Topic: Government


– September 27, 2021

“Only a society afflicted with severe Nutzenschmerz would choose a system where even the neediest are harmed, to ensure that no one else gets an arbitrary or undeserved benefit.” ~ Michael Munger


Biden’s Tax Plan Is a Middle-Class Death Tax Dressed as a Capital Gains Tax on the Rich

– September 27, 2021

“Say what they will about using the tax code to reduce income inequality, the fact is that multi-trillion dollar deficits have made politicians desperate for new sources of tax revenue. And, having eaten the rich, they’re now turning their eyes to the middle class.” ~ James R. Harrigan & Antony Davies


Remdesivir and Lessons in Pandemic Drug Approvals

– September 25, 2021

“At best, this can be a lesson to us all about pandemic drug approvals. But as noted we’ve had those lessons and they didn’t stick. Don’t expect this to have any impact, either.” ~ Michael Fumento


Will We Accept Nuclear Fusion When It Comes?

– September 24, 2021

“By using the most abundant element on earth, hydrogen, Fusion provides a limitless future. The only question is whether our politics allows us to accept this good fortune.” ~ James E. Hanley


The Curse of Resources, Coups, and Business

– September 24, 2021

“Unruly ambitions degrade the institutions and norms that would contribute to successful negotiations with multinational firms and investors essential for the development of the economy.” ~ Todd Myers


Corporate Welfare: Where’s the Outrage? A Review

– September 24, 2021

“The majority of corporate welfare policies appear to remove resources from local populations and via cronyism, politicians try to insulate themselves from the loss of those benefits by removing community members from the decision process.” ~ David Waugh


Breaking News: Unrealized Capital Gains are Not Taxed

– September 23, 2021

“There’s no real news here. Instead the White House economists who did the study, Greg Leiserson and Danny Yagan, have redefined income.” ~ David R. Henderson


Understanding Underthrow: A Pragmatic Case for Decentralism and Satyagraha

– September 23, 2021

“It’s time to unleash a thousand experiments in underthrow. Even if only a few of those experiments take hold, these niches represent the promise that you find a system that more closely resembles your ideals.” ~ Max Borders


The Integration of College Football

– September 23, 2021

“With the slow process of peaceful social change, things become possible that had previously been impossible, and compromises that at one time had been acceptable, become unacceptable.” ~ Clifford F. Thies


Coin Can’t Save US from Debt Crisis

– September 23, 2021

“If Treasury can just slap a figure on a hunk of metal and demand that the Federal Reserve credit its account with that figure, it could force the creation of as much money as the politicians controlling it want.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Biden’s Wrecking Ball for Financial Privacy

– September 22, 2021

“President Biden relishes condemning tax-dodging billionaires but that $600 reporting requirement is a signal that IRS purgatory could soon be crowded with average Americans.” ~ James Bovard


A Tale of Two Letters

– September 22, 2021

“I can imagine writing, and have written, two letters of advice to my two sons upon their graduations from high school and college, the first if the trajectory of February 2020 had continued and the second given what has actually transpired since.” ~ Robert E. Wright