Topic: Government

How Threat-Free Are Americans from Covid-19? December 2021 Update

– December 23, 2021

“The current risk approximated from the index is decidedly lower than what people have been made to believe. The risks from government tyranny excused by this belief are much, much higher.” ~ Jon Sanders


The Covid Squid Lottery Wire

– December 22, 2021

“Apparently America’s political system is too flawed to develop and implement workable, rational policies, leaving Americans to guess what might come next in the Covid squid lottery wire.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Trump, Covid, and Despotism

– December 22, 2021

“Observing the expansion over the past two years of the biosecurity state, I detect enormous evil in what the vanguard of progressives incessantly works to do to liberal civilization.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


The Fickle ‘Science’ of Lockdowns

– December 21, 2021

“Why did public-health authorities abandon their opposition to lockdowns? Why did they rush to embrace the untested claims of flawed epidemiological modeling?” ~ Phillip W. Magness & Peter C. Earle


TikTok Math Girl

– December 21, 2021

“There’s a part of me that wonders how anybody can use an iPhone to record herself and then share the recording with the entire world and not appreciate how tremendously better life is because of the advance of math, science and technology.” ~ Clifford F. Thies


Why This Year’s Nobel Prize in Economics Changes Nothing on the Minimum Wage Debate

– December 21, 2021

“The two Card and Krueger studies have major issues, and they do not support the narrative in favor of minimum wage laws. Yet, as expected, this has not stopped many from using this paper in the classroom for teaching the effects of minimum wages on unemployment.” ~ Klajdi Bregu


The Tragic and Needless Destruction of Raj Rajaratnam, Price-Giver Extraordinaire

– December 20, 2021

“For doing right Raj Rajaratnam spent time in prison. He should never have been charged. Please read this essential book to see why, and please tell friends about it. The lunacy surrounding markets and information must stop.” ~ John Tamny


Fauci, Emails, and Some Alleged Science

– December 19, 2021

“Emails obtained by AIER through a FOIA request show Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins coordinating a propaganda campaign to attack the Great Barrington Declaration.” ~ Phillip W. Magness & James R. Harrigan


Are We Near the End of the Road to Serfdom? Part 2

– December 19, 2021

“Hayek reminds us that classical liberals are the real progressives whose unreserved allegiance is to ‘the guiding principle that a policy of freedom for the individual is the only truly progressive policy.'” ~ Barry Brownstein


Are We Near the End of the Road to Serfdom? Part 1

– December 18, 2021

“As you go about your day, strive to see the common humanity in all. With liberty, everyone is a potential friend. Today, make no friend an enemy.” ~ Barry Brownstein


Why the Casual Attitude toward Inflation?

– December 18, 2021

“The threat of inflation has been apparent for some time now, but those who have the power to do something about it seem to have the attitude that it will go away on its own.” ~ Randall G. Holcombe


Raiding the World Bank: Exposing a Fondness for Dictators

– December 17, 2021

“After exiting bank headquarters, I paused on K Street, skimmed the first pages, and knew I had struck gold. Back in my home office, I called the gutsiest editor I knew—Tim Ferguson, the editorial features editor at the Wall Street Journal.” ~ James Bovard