Topic: Government

From Darkness to Light

– January 23, 2022

“As long as people believe the current anointed, such as Dr. Fauci, are trusted societal screenwriters the lessons of history, economics, and the laws of power will not be learned. We will continue to deny our responsibility to oppose anyone claiming to be anointed.” ~ Barry Brownstein


What Killed the Red Cars Is Still Killing Transit

– January 22, 2022

“Cars are superior to transit alternatives for the vast majority of individuals and circumstances. Policies which will punish the majority for whom driving remains far superior cannot effectively serve all residents’ interests.” ~ Gary M. Galles


“Zero Risk” Is Too Risky for Me

– January 21, 2022

“Patrick Henry declared under a much greater risk environment, ‘Give me liberty, or give me death!’ My request is not so audacious. I seek the liberty we had even if it comes with a slight uptick in risk.” ~ Jon Sanders


The Value of Work

– January 21, 2022

“If the Great Resignation has taught us anything, it is this. No one fully understands what is happening in American labor markets. Our economy is still changing rapidly, but that’s not the only variable. Workers are changing too.” ~ Rachel Lu


Liberties Are Only Kept Safe by the Limitation of Government Power

– January 20, 2022

“Richard Henry Lee’s generation had learned of the need to keep government within narrow limits, as there are very few areas in which it can advance our general welfare, as opposed to some Americans’ welfare at other Americans’ expense.” ~ Gary M. Galles


Can DAOs Revive Civil Society?

– January 20, 2022

“New technology could help to revive America’s flagging civil society. DAOs significantly lower the costs of association, empowering individuals to create solutions to social problems free from governmental burdens.” ~ David Waugh & Robert E. Wright


A Deeper Dive into PIT’s Latest Passenger Numbers

– January 20, 2022

“Billions of federal dollars have kept airports open and planes in the air with practically no airport layoffs when traffic was greatly depressed, producing enormous increased operations costs not borne by ticket prices.” ~ Colin McNickle


2021 In 21 Numbers

– January 20, 2022

“In retrospect, 2021 looks more and more like 1979. Here are 21 noteworthy data points–prices, percentages, dates and other forms of quantitative information–that highlight or exemplify certain developments in 2021, the second year of the pandemic.” ~ Peter C. Earle


Trade-Offs in Economics

– January 19, 2022

“Real-world complications highlight the limits of applying the basic idea of trade-offs in economics, but even with these complications, understanding this one basic economic principle offers powerful insights into consumer choice, economic growth, and international trade.” ~ Robert F. Mulligan


Politics is Dead. Now What?

– January 19, 2022

“A revolution in entrepreneurship – subversive innovation – is the tip of the spear for societal change. Never forget that you are launching your attack from the highest moral high ground of all: consent. Your enemies will have to fight you from the low perch of compulsion.” ~ Max Borders


Echoes of the Vietnam War: Journalists Begin To Take a Stand

– January 19, 2022

“You can’t give the lie the same credence as the truth or you will hide in false equivalence and fail the public. Even journalists I know who are socially and politically conservative are signing on to the idea that they must take a stand for the truth.” ~ Llewellyn King


Publicly Traded Companies Prevail Despite Covid

– January 18, 2022

“Despite the troubling picture regarding national issues, ranging from Covid to monetary and fiscal policies, entrepreneurs are minding the store and finding new and better ways to serve their markets.” ~ Gregory van Kipnis