Topic: Government

Reducing Unemployment Is Not a Free Lunch

– May 17, 2022

“Every attempt by government to ‘stimulate the economy’ intensifies employers’ and workers’ expectations that slowing sales and losses of jobs will be cured by government-engineered increases in aggregate demand.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Income Distribution and Inequality

– May 16, 2022

“Invariably, however, the proposed solution to any form of income inequality has been an indiscriminate and highly punitive progressive tax on all income and wealth, regardless of how it was earned.” ~ Robert F. Mulligan


A Drinking Man’s Guide to Monetary Policy

– May 14, 2022

“Just like drinking, expansionary monetary policy can provide a temporary (or transitory) high at first (faster real output growth and reduced unemployment). However, the ill effects come later (in an inflation “hangover”).” ~ Gary M. Galles


Rent Selling Countries are More Corrupt and Less Wealthy

– May 13, 2022

“The real cronies are those who demand and supply interventionism. Despite their claims, they can’t get money out of politics, or reduce corruption, because they’re so eager to inject politics into money-making.” ~ Richard M. Salsman


Rescuing “Virtue and Talents” Amidst the War on Tests

– May 13, 2022

“Perhaps the solution to our current quagmire has been hidden in plain sight the whole time—embrace standards and return to merit-based admissions. MIT gets it and more should follow.” ~ Wenyuan Wu


Hatred Will Destroy You: What the Holodomor Teaches Us Today

– May 12, 2022

“When any person harbors hatred, their own humanity is destroyed. In Grossman’s words, ‘looking at his victim as other than human, he ceases to be human himself. He executes the human being inside his own self; he is his own executioner.’” ~ Barry Brownstein


Can We Revive the Old Constitution?

– May 12, 2022

“The New Deal constructed numerous federal departments and agencies to regulate the private sector for general, nebulous ends. In effect, we received a new constitution.” ~ Richard M. Reinsch II


Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids: The Case for Compromise

– May 11, 2022

“Perhaps it’s time for CTFK to return to the negotiating table to reduce the number of people who smoke by guaranteeing adults access to safer tobacco alternatives, including flavored vapor products.” ~ Kim Murray


The Folly of Debt Cancellation

– May 10, 2022

“Discharging foreign debt undermines financial institutions, distorts prices, redistributes resources, and impairs the integrity of all parties. It also risks becoming the default practice, as political choices undertaken under exigent circumstances all too frequently do.” ~ Peter C. Earle


Your Argument Implies…

– May 9, 2022

“Because no protectionist can possibly explain how prosperity is increased by arranging for resources to be so wasted, every protectionist argument in the end is an instance of illogical stupidity, pure and simple.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Government-Induced Inequality

– May 9, 2022

“As usual, history could guide us, if only we would allow it. Before the rise of the nanny state, free markets naturally drew resources, including human resources, to their most highly valued use.” ~ Robert E. Wright


A Reality Czar? What Could Possibly Go Wrong.

– May 8, 2022

“So who could be trusted as the reality czar? No one. That is why Democrats never suggested one when Trump was in office. In politics, truth is subservient to power.” ~ Gary M. Galles