Topic: Government

British Universities Show Why “More” Does Not Mean “Better”

– September 29, 2022

“With state subsidies and state-backed loans, students are not paying the true cost of their educations. The system lacks the discerning customers (students) needed to ensure that the suppliers (universities) deliver a quality product.” ~ Douglas Carswell


If America Were Totalitarian, Where Would You Want to Live?

– September 28, 2022

“I ask my students, at the end of such discussions, how free is America, really, today? What is the direction toward which we seem to be continuing to head?” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


Luxury Beliefs Death Spiral

– September 27, 2022

“Short of welcoming the brutal circumstances that would force everyone to experience the immediate pain of decades-long cost shifting and debt spending, how can we reduce the social costs of sharing poor man’s beliefs?” ~ Max Borders



– September 26, 2022

“Among the full set of arguments offered for government intervention into the economy, those that are serious and credible are the exception rather than the rule. Most arguments for intervention are simply not credible, with more than a few being downright silly.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Ludwig Erhard: Architect of a Miracle

– September 26, 2022

“Erhard’s legacy was forged in the decade and a half after the war’s end. He forever answered the question ‘What do you do with an economy in ruins?’ with the simple, proven recipe: ‘Free it.’” ~ Lawrence W. Reed


Biden’s Impoverishing Americans To Cut Emissions Won’t Even Touch Climate Change

– September 25, 2022

“Americans have been cutting more emissions than any other nation. We just didn’t do it the ‘right’ way, through government mandates. For our reward, we’ve been sold into worse inflation, worse energy poverty, and a worsening environment for rolling blackouts.” ~ Jon Sanders


Fed Up With the Fed

– September 25, 2022

“The Hamilton-Bagehot rule was superior to the modern Fed practice of flooding the markets with cheap money because it allowed insolvent firms to go bankrupt while supplying emergency loans to troubled but solvent companies.” ~ Robert E. Wright


It’s Time to Undo the Harm the CDC Has Done to Pain Patients

– September 24, 2022

“When a government agency ‘recommends’ a policy, it’s akin to a recommendation from Tony Soprano; it is inevitably interpreted as a mandate, obeyed by state and federal agencies, health insurers, and even pharmacies.” ~ Jeffrey A. Singer & Josh Bloom


Milk Crate Law?

– September 24, 2022

“Too many of us in this nation are willing to accept, even chuckle at, laws we know we’ll keep on breaking, confident the law will happen to someone else.” ~ Laura Williams


The Myopia of Antitrust

– September 23, 2022

“Intellectuals and officials arrogantly suppose that any contractual term or organizational arrangement that they cannot immediately understand as serving competition must therefore be devious exercises of monopoly power or attempts to secure such power.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


4,000 Years of Failed Price Controls

– September 23, 2022

“The people of ancient Eshnunna can be forgiven for not understanding why setting the price of a kor of barley at a shekel of silver was a harmful policy. Today’s policymakers, who have the benefit of history and economics, have no excuse.” ~ Jonathan Miltimore


The Great Authoritarian Arms Race

– September 22, 2022

“Now is not the time to ‘retire the both-sides-ism trope.’ It’s time that an anti-authoritarian coalition turns against affective polarization and the impulse to pick a team. It’s time we call out authoritarianism anywhere it rears its head.” ~ Max Borders