Topic: Government

Looting Rioting

America’s 1984: Welcome to the Hate

– September 10, 2020

“It’s time to interrupt the current of Hate, time to name both its causes and the long-term effects on individualism and prosperity. Contra 1984, Freedom is not Slavery.” ~ Caroline Breashears


Litigating Over Lockdowns

– September 9, 2020

“The rights guaranteed in the Constitution are not there merely for decoration and warm feelings, nor can we expect the very entity they serve to limit, the state, to protect them for us. Rather they are upheld by a free, educated, and litigious people who guard their liberty jealously. Such resistance is necessary for an accountable and prudent government.” ~ Ethan Yang

george bush

The War on Terror Presaged Covid Mania

– September 9, 2020

“Like the endless War on Terror, the Covid shutdowns will likely be viewed as one of the greatest political debacles in modern American history. But many politicians still believe that there is no problem that cannot be solved by a bigger federal iron fist. Will the media continue venerating “experts” until American freedom and prosperity are both obliterated?” ~ James Bovard


America’s Fiscal Follies are Dangerously in the Red

– September 8, 2020

“History is filled with many examples of financial and economic disaster that has followed government fiscal recklessness. It can happen even here, in America.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling

nancy pelosi

Nancy Pelosi and Her Hair Salon

– September 7, 2020

“Freedom for me, but not for thee seems to be the recurring theme here. Everyday Americans have seen their jobs and their lives stripped at the stroke of a pen. America’s once proud and industrious spirit has been overshadowed by one of fear, insanity, and vitriol. Yet those who are responsible for all of this not only thrive but step on those who try to speak out.” ~ Ethan Yang

space x dragon

For-Profit Companies Must be the Backbone of the New Space Age

– September 5, 2020

“Space remains the final frontier. Just as with the terrestrial frontier, private enterprise should be the driving force for exploration, development, and settlement.” ~ David R. Henderson & Alexander W. Salter


The Politicization of Obesity

– September 4, 2020

“Obesity is an undeniable public health problem, but increasingly interventionist policies are amplifying the negative externalities.” ~ Peter C. Earle

golden gate bridge

The Myth of the Crowding-Out Myth

– September 4, 2020

“Recognizing that private investment usually works better than public investment does not mean that public investment is never desirable. But it does put the burden of proof on those who champion public investment projects. Rather than offering faux refutations of the crowding-out argument and citing anecdotal evidence, as Skidelsky does, those in favor of a public investment project should make the case for why it is desirable.” ~ William J. Luther & Nicolás Cachanosky

restaurant, closed

The Best Virus Response Is Less Government, Not More

– September 3, 2020

“Please ask yourself in your relative comfort just how deep your corona-religion is? Is it so deep that you’ll continue to turn a blind eye to the global suffering that’s taking place so that you can feel safe from a virus that thankfully kills so few? The lives of hundreds of millions of innocent people with exponentially less than you hang on your level of alarmism, and the strange joy you derive from being told what to do.” ~ John Tamny


Vegan Butter and the History of Regulatory Capture

– September 2, 2020

“At any point in time, say at present, the cost of this instrumentalization of regulatory agencies for private purposes appears minimal. After all, only an infinitesimal fraction of the economy is affected. Yet, try picturing a counterfactual America where the regulatory waltz that began in the late 19th century never actually started. How much richer would Americans be today?” ~ Vincent Geloso

plato statue

Plato v. Mises: Mises Wins

– September 1, 2020

“The Noble Lie is not noble; if we all repeat it and we are taught it in state schools, before long it’s not even a lie. Because worshippers of the state actually persuade themselves that the whole thing is true. Yes, we are all born equal, but some of us are more equal than others. People want power so they can do good in the world; the result is that they sacrifice their intellect for the sake of their daydreams.” ~ Michael Munger


Material Benefits Are Not Merely Material

– September 1, 2020

“Had this material wealth been produced in less abundance, the range of higher goals that ordinary Americans would today be able to pursue would be narrower. And this material wealth would indeed have been produced in less abundance had Americans been saddled with more of the tariffs, subsidies, and other government interventions for which Oren Cass tirelessly pleads.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux