Topic: Government

When It Comes to Big Tech and Monopoly Power: Patience is a Virtue, Antitrust is a Vice

– March 25, 2023

“Whether it’s Lina Khan at the FTC or Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren in Congress, antitrust advocates should take a hard look in the mirror. The only true monopoly within the US marketplace is where these politicians are fulfilling their posts.” ~ Kimberlee Josephson


Do Not Tarry In Eliminating Tariffs and Other Protectionist Measures

– March 25, 2023

“Like Adam Smith, I’d prefer that trade be liberalized gradually as opposed to not at all. But perhaps unlike him, if I were put in front of a button to eliminate immediately all species of economic protectionism, I’d press it with gusto.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Economic Development Deals Are a Curse, Not a Blessing

– March 24, 2023

“Bribing businesses to locate in your state is not free enterprise; it’s a form of cronyism. It turns what should be a competitive process between firms into a political competition between states. The first step toward winning is to stop losing.” ~ Stephen C. Miller


DC’s Dim-Witted Lightbulb Moment

– March 24, 2023

“In Mercantilist Europe, and in the ever-murkier swamps of Washington, DC, cozy relations between industry and government result in such price-fixing contrivances and anti-public conspiracies being issued by regulation as well.” ~ Laura Williams


Moral hazard is a fact of life. The Fed should focus on inflation.

– March 23, 2023

“To the shame of two generations of economists-turned-policy-advisors, moral hazard is a fact of life. We don’t need to add permanent dollar depreciation to this mess.” ~ Alexander William Salter


Liberalism Needs No Enemies

– March 22, 2023

“Minds can be creative or destructive. Be right-minded. Stop justifying grievances. Embrace liberalism. Value voluntary cooperation; as you help others flourish, you will flourish.” ~ Barry Brownstein


Who Owns Alexander Hamilton?

– March 22, 2023

“Perhaps the most important thing to understand about Alexander Hamilton today, however, is that he did not, repeat, did not, espouse massive government, militarism, or protective tariffs.” ~ Robert E. Wright


People Should be “Seething Mad” Over COVID – And Much More

– March 21, 2023

“The government’s authoritarian COVID policies are just the most visible proof that it’s a terrible idea to turn anything of importance over to government control.” ~ George Leef


The Calling of Classical Liberal Researchers: Remind Your Neighbor

– March 21, 2023

“Classical liberals who lead research endeavors need to persuade not only fellow researchers, but the audience of the research, including the anti-liberal minefield of academia.” ~ Daniel B. Klein


Is it a LOLR? No, It’s a Trap

– March 20, 2023

“The reason this is infuriating is that we are being told that taxpayers should be willing to double down, to reimburse even-more-careless depositors for their negligent inattention to risk.” ~ Michael C. Munger


Minimum Wage Hurts Whom It Claims to Help

– March 19, 2023

“Being able to work, and feel productive, is an important part of the social aspect of our economy. Service jobs are disappearing fast enough, without having the process accelerated by misguided support for increasing the minimum wage.” ~ Michael C. Munger


FDIC: No Savior Then or Now

– March 19, 2023

“It is not clear that some sort of enhanced stockholder liability has yet returned to the Overton Window, but it is possible that Americans will point out the hypocrisy of the Biden administration’s raising taxes on the rich with one hand while bailing them out with the other.” ~ Robert E. Wright