Topic: Government

Lockdown, Labor Laws, and the Digital Economy

– April 19, 2021

“Our economy is in the midst of an awesome transformation, and Covid-19 just accelerated that timeline. No central planner in Washington, DC will be able to predict how things will change nor will the political process be of any help. This is something that individual firms and their employees will need to figure out for themselves through a rigorous process of trial and error in the market.” ~ Ethan Yang


Armed Self-Defense is Essential in a Free Society

– April 19, 2021

“We need not and indeed should not fall victim to one more of the collectivist ailments practiced more intensely in other parts of the world: the disarming of the people under the dangerous notion that the private citizenry cannot be trusted and should not be allowed to have the means of self-defense against potential private and political aggressors in society.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


Abuse Escalation

– April 17, 2021

“Balance is needed so that all who may legally vote can do so at the lowest possible cost consistent with a rapid and accurate tally. Most Americans are probably smart enough to realize that, but they may be too cowed by their abuser and its numerous and powerful minions to resist.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Is Opposing Lockdowns Seditious?

– April 15, 2021

“Instead of having the red-shirters and the blue-shirters (or climate activists and deniers, nationalists or open border-types, lockdowners and covidiots) having it out in every aspect of integrated life – in the office, at the supermarket, on the town square, in the football stadium, even over what they voluntarily read on the Internet, and what the woke employees of the tech firms allow others to see – perhaps we can just, you know, leave each other alone…?” ~ Joakim Book


200th Anniversary of a Great American Demolition of Tyranny

– April 14, 2021

“John Taylor saw the fate of Americans as answering once and for all ‘whether human nature is able to maintain a fair, free, mild, and cheap government.’ But his countrymen were ‘surrendering their [liberty] to political frauds.’ In the 200 years since the publication of Tyranny Unmasked, the names of some of the political frauds have changed but the surrendering continues.” ~ James Bovard


Vaccine Passports vs. Freedom Itself

– April 14, 2021

“The devastating pandemic response by governments and their often illogical, unscientific, unsound, and often absurd expert medical advisors (Task Forces) and television medical experts have left lives and societies in ruin. Vaccine passports promise to dwarf what we have witnessed across the last year due to the unintended consequences and collateral damage related to our ill-informed responses to SARS-CoV-2!” ~ AIER Contributing Authors


The Free World Died of Covid-19

– April 13, 2021

“The demand for the recognition of basic human freedoms will soon become too obvious to ignore. There are many paths for a new Free World to emerge, but for now, the old Free World as a uniting force for Western values is a relic of history.” ~ Jordan Schachtel


The Raw Milk Raw Deal

– April 12, 2021

“Americans don’t need government officials telling them what to do and what not to do. They do need clear, honest data and risk assessments unbiased by profit or ideological motives. The government, however, increasingly appears incapable of providing even that, even when it comes to foundational needs like nutrition.” ~ Robert E. Wright


A Closer Look at Biden’s Court Reform Commission

– April 12, 2021

“Biden’s commission may not be the outright rejection of court packing that we should hope for but it seems to be a subtle way of doing so given the pressure from his progressive colleagues. Whether or not it will work is yet to be seen.” ~ Ethan Yang


In Spite of Everything, the World Has Never Been So Free

– April 12, 2021

“From the late 19th century to the eve of the pandemic, there were multiple crises that could have permanently eroded economic, political and civil liberties. Yet, on net, these liberties have actually expanded since the 19th century.” ~ Vincent Geloso


We Need Rule of Law Not Lawlessness

– April 11, 2021

“After the Rule of Law degenerated in Argentina in the early twentieth century, for example, it dropped from being the ninth richest nation in the world to an economically volatile has-been. We cannot allow the same to occur here. That’s certainly not a call for bigger government, but better government that places the Rule of Law above ideology.” ~ Robert E. Wright


The Damage of Lockdowns to Young People

– April 11, 2021

“It goes without saying that societal institutions exist for a reason and abruptly pulling them out from underneath everyone’s feet may have dire consequences. That is what policy makers have done with lockdowns. They have attempted to tamper with the natural order of society and unleashed misery.” ~ Ethan Yang