Topic: Free Markets

America’s Medici Moment?

– September 10, 2021

“And thus corporations are led, by an invisible hand, to promote an end which was no part of their intention, the simultaneous enrichment of themselves and empowerment of party partisans.” ~ Robert E. Wright


The Radical Message of Economics Well-Learned

– September 9, 2021

“I’ve no complaint against economists who craft their public messages in order to avoid a loss of audience. But I do worry that these efforts subtly create in the minds of many such economists unwarranted doubts about the merits of laissez faire.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Markets Already Internalize Externalities

– September 8, 2021

“What’s so fascinating about this instance is that the economist corps already knows this: markets internalize externalities – by land value, by selection, by trade-off along other margins that matter to people.” ~ Joakim Book


Economics in Three I’s: Incentives, Institutions, and Intentions

– September 7, 2021

“Economics is the study of human action and its unintended consequences, and if you take away three Is–Incentives Matter, Institutions Matter, Intentions Don’t Matter (as much as you think)–then you are on the road to wisdom.” ~ Art Carden


Is It Time to Rethink Labor Day?

– September 6, 2021

“When we celebrate market freedom, we end up celebrating all those who participate in the process. From the most humble of bartenders to the wealthiest of bankers, we all matter in what we do for one another.” ~ Anthony Gill


Free Enterprise Day

– September 6, 2021

“Our schools could celebrate Free Enterprise Day by devoting some time to teach about the nature of risk-taking and how it benefits everyone, not just the wealthy.” ~ John Barry


Stakeholders v. Stockholders

– August 28, 2021

“Most investors don’t want the corporations they own to oppose X or support Y and those who do are free to reinvest dividends or the profits from stock sales in whatever lawful causes they wish.” ~ Robert E. Wright


I, Meal: The Symphonies of Cooperation on Made in a Day

– August 27, 2021

“Airplane meals, tractors, guitars, and whiskey are the products of human design, but they are the products of human design that are parts of a broader symphony of order and cooperation no one mind is composing.” ~ Art Carden


Free Enterprise as Conspiracy

– August 25, 2021

“Errors of historical fact and errors of historical interpretation often go hand-in-hand, reflecting a general approach that eschews the broader process of scholarly discovery and instead selectively seeks out bits and pieces of evidence in order to fit the past to a preconceived narrative.” ~ Phillip W. Magness


Capitalists: Superfluous Rentiers or Contributors to Human Flourishment?

– August 25, 2021

“The damage done by politicians and central bankers is not limited to creating moral hazards that contribute to imbalances and distortions. Their policies also perpetuate injustices that are too often blamed on others.” ~ Christopher Lingle


A Letter from the Editor

– August 23, 2021

“So join us, starting tomorrow, for what comes next from Great Barrington and AIER. It is my honor to help steer this wonderful ship, and I look forward to sharing our content with all of you.” ~ James R. Harrigan


How the Free Market is Doing Public Health Officials’ Jobs

– August 18, 2021

“Perhaps it will take some time, but there is still hope that US policymakers will recognize the advantages of market-based solutions instead of leaning on continuous mandates.” ~ Maxwell Hampton