Topic: Free Markets

Marijuana Legalization: Corporate America Now Leading the Way

– October 15, 2021

“Although government plays a role in confronting abuse, civil institutions have an even more important role in creating informal rules for drug use. We increasingly see this process at work, illustrating an important expansion of liberty in Americans’ lives.” ~ Doug Bandow


Five College Campus Myths

– October 14, 2021

“Many college students and young people are remarkably receptive to economic theory, but lack the experience with mainline economic education and research to come to sound economic conclusions on their own.” ~ David Gillette & Lauren Frazier


The Good, the Wise, and the Just

– October 7, 2021

“To recognize that it is to your own advantage to trust, and to be trustworthy in turn, is the key to living together in a market economy.” ~ Michael Munger


We Need a Free Market in Legal Services

– October 6, 2021

“If we didn’t have government licensing of lawyers, what would instead emerge would be voluntary certifications that would assist consumers in finding the practitioners who have the specific knowledge for their needs.” ~ George Leef


The “Fortune of the Commons”: Why Are There Still Blueberries in the Fields?

– September 30, 2021

“Sometimes the supposedly inevitable tragedy-of-the-commons can, with prosperity and economic growth, be turned on its head to become the Fortune of the Commons.” ~ Joakim Book


Evergrande Is Not A ‘Systemic Risk.’ Politicians Are The Only Risk To The ‘System’

– September 29, 2021

“Let’s hope that Chinese government officials prove wiser than American politicians, pundits, and economists who to this day think 2008 was caused by the failure of a few financial institutions. This wholly mistaken view remains the only ‘systemic risk’ in the ‘system’ that is the U.S. economy.” ~ John Tamny


Choice: Real and In Extremis

– September 29, 2021

“It’s flabbergasting that those who denounce the market on the grounds that the choices it leaves open to individuals are not real – that these choices are largely made by people in extremis – look upon the outcomes of government coercion with such fondness and favor.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Understanding Underthrow: A Pragmatic Case for Decentralism and Satyagraha

– September 23, 2021

“It’s time to unleash a thousand experiments in underthrow. Even if only a few of those experiments take hold, these niches represent the promise that you find a system that more closely resembles your ideals.” ~ Max Borders


Economics and the Picture Show

– September 22, 2021

“Economists should pay attention to aesthetics, or the art of economics, which is the art of creating ourselves, both morally and financially. More radically, economists need to stop trying to find an objective way into the heart of what happens when we exchange.” ~ Robert E. Gordon


That’s None of Your Business, Actually

– September 20, 2021

“For what purposes may societies condone the use of violent force? The answer is many fewer than most people presently believe. Because most things are simply none of the government’s business.” ~ Joakim Book


The Misuse of Knowledge in Society: Intervention Means Prices are Lying

– September 20, 2021

“Making prices less accurate and less reliable with well-intentioned but misguided controls compounds the problem. It leads to an even bigger pile of errors–a misuse of knowledge in society, in other words.” ~ Art Carden


Born Unequal: Pondering the Natural Lottery

– September 16, 2021

“Maybe I’m just a dreamer. But I think nonviolence and compassion can motivate a million acts of kindness towards those born with less.” ~ Max Borders