Topic: Free Markets

Raving for Monkeypox

– June 2, 2022

“We should expect more outbreaks in areas with a greater appreciation for economic freedom. Indeed, reports indicate the kindling wood has been there for some time. But don’t worry; be thankful that people live in societies that allow such diseases to spread.” ~ Byron B. Carson III


Can the Liberal Arts Restore American Liberty?

– June 1, 2022

“We have to keep in laser focus: What kind of education helps young people learn how to live in freedom? To develop autonomy? To discover how to be entrepreneurs of their own lives? In other words, what is a truly liberating education?” ~ Marsha Familaro Enright


George Stigler, Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist

– May 31, 2022

“For people who understand that there is more in our beloved dismal science that is worth knowing than just what is in the pages of the latest issue of the American Economic Review, books like Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist are a great way to invest one’s time.” ~ Art Carden


Building Uncle Sam, Inc.

– May 31, 2022

“For all its shortcomings, Talbert’s story has many interesting insights, and he is at least historian enough not to abet the revisionist attempt to concoct a ‘usable past’ to legitimize the administrative state.” ~ Paul D. Moreno


COVID-19 and the Labor Market

– May 31, 2022

“The last several recessions, even going back farther than 2000, have done lasting damage to the US economy, especially labor markets, and so far it appears the COVID-19 recession has been no exception.” ~ Robert F. Mulligan


In the Beginning: The Mont Pelerin Society, 1947

– May 29, 2022

“The transcripts of the first meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society provide an extremely valuable and useful record for understanding the beginnings of the post–World War II movement to reestablish a meaningful market liberalism.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


First World Problems

– May 28, 2022

“Fickle complaints, unrealistic expectations, and perpetual irritation over trivial aspects of goods or services are a just reward for permitting entrepreneurial risk-taking, economic calculation, and markets to operate freely.” ~ Peter C. Earle


Black Liberation Through the Marketplace: A Snapshot

– May 27, 2022

“In a way, the entire book is an act of transitional justice, a commitment to create institutional memory for the survivors of Jim Crow and the neighborhood-destroying government boondoggles of the 20th century.” ~ Rachel Ferguson and Marcus M. Witcher


Politics Is the Pathology. Morality Is the Cure.

– May 25, 2022

“The world is forgetting timeless truths, distracted as they are by political spectacles and errant ideologies. Even if that means shouting into the wind, we must do everything we can to rediscover the human practices that guard civilization.” ~ Max Borders


You Are a Soul: Dedicated to the Vital Spirit of David Theroux

– May 25, 2022

“Souls and persons are one-to-one, so it is natural that ‘human being’ be signified as either ‘soul’ or ‘person,’ each serving, according to my formulation, as a synecdoche for the human being.” ~ Daniel B. Klein


A Market for Mosquito Control?

– May 23, 2022

“In addition to the standard factors of mosquito control, perhaps we should consider the role economic freedom plays. Such institutions enhance competition, encourage innovation, and lead to more opportunities to kill mosquitoes.” ~ Byron B. Carson III


Many Workers May Never Return to the Office, and That’s a Good Thing

– May 20, 2022

“It seems safe to predict that the percentage of white-collar workers reporting to their workplace every day may never reach the levels of early 2020. After all, working and living in the same place is just natural.” ~ Eli Lehrer