Topic: Free Markets

What the US Can Learn From Taiwan’s Success in Chip Manufacturing

– March 16, 2023

“Taiwan’s semiconductor companies succeeded not because of grants and subsidies, but from their ability to innovate and respond to the pressures of a competitive market.” ~ Larisa Jacono


Through the Eyes of Greed

– March 16, 2023

“Politicians don’t care whether oil companies are greedy, or altruistic, or neither. Politicians care about using oil companies as a smokescreen to hide from the voters’ wrath.” ~ Antony Davies


What Reich Gets Wrong about the Kroger-Albertsons Merger and What He Misses Completely

– March 14, 2023

“The Kroger-Albertson deals should be defended, not debated, and assertions by academics on industry matters should be met with serious skepticism.” ~ Kimberlee Josephson


Big Screen Price Discrimination

– March 11, 2023

“If cheap front-row tickets bring people back to the theaters, let them come. The market will reveal whether AMC is in its final showing or ready for a remaster.” ~ David Gillette & Lauren Frazier


Delivering on the Promise of Platforms

– March 10, 2023

“The mistake of outsiders was to see Amazon as a bookseller; since books were a dying business (not true, actually), having a web site to sell books had limited upside at best, even if Amazon could survive against the market power of Barnes and Noble and the other bookstore behemoths.” ~ Michael C. Munger


Economic Freedom Matters! More Than You Think!

– March 9, 2023

“Because the lies regarding GDP are concentrated in politically and economically unfree countries, any assessment of the importance of economic freedom to living standards will be biased favorably toward illiberal regimes, and against finding an effect of economic freedom.” ~ Vincent Geloso


The Myth of Rural “Assistance”

– March 6, 2023

“Just as in the New Deal electrification boondoggle, it is a much better value, from a bureaucratic perspective, to waste taxpayer money than to allow organic, free-market solutions to beat them to the punch.” ~ Paul Schwennesen


On Jobs

– March 5, 2023

“When consumers’ tastes change, only entrepreneurs can successfully discover – in competition with each other – how to reallocate resources in ways that don’t result in a decline in living standards.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


A Day in the Life of Homo Economicus

– March 3, 2023

“While the concept of people as ‘optimizers’ is sometimes criticized as too reductive, too reliant on assumptions of ‘perfect information,’ it is nevertheless deeply, revealingly true.” ~ Paul Schwennesen


For a Fair and Efficient Tax Policy, Restore the SALT Deduction

– March 3, 2023

“Restoring full deductibility would realign the Republican party’s position on this issue with a more free-market approach to tax fairness and its long-time support of supply-side tax analysis, which guided most of the other changes in 2017.” ~ Roy Cordato


Free Markets Made Charlie Brown and Snoopy Possible

– March 2, 2023

“For humanity to flourish, we must be free to explore our full selves. Charles Schulz’s Peanuts gave us that every day for 50 years, and it would never have happened without the free market.” ~ Blake Scott Ball


Proponents of Fiscal Stimulus Need to Stop Using World War II as an Example

– March 2, 2023

“If proponents of fiscal stimulus want to use wartime spending as an empirical illustration to make their case, they need to be aware that doing so relies on a bad understanding of economic facts.” ~ Vincent Geloso