Topic: Economic Education

Without Permissionless Innovation, Would we Really Love Rock & Roll?

– November 24, 2020

“Even if you think the ‘Queen of Noise’ produces nothing but noise, her success in a world of permissionless innovation is a good reason to love rock & roll.” ~ Art Carden


Student-Loan Cancellation Shouldn’t Happen, But It’s Not The ‘Working Classes’ Bailing Out The Rich

– November 24, 2020

“While it would be wrong to forgive federal student debt, let’s not add to what’s incorrect with nonsensical allusions to ‘real America’ paying for bailouts of Beverly Hills, Manhattan and Pacific Heights.” ~ John Tamny


Wishing that Hans Rosling Were Still Alive

– November 23, 2020

“People around the world, engulfed by the fear instinct, have allowed themselves to be stirred by the media – and by their political ‘leaders’ – into an hysterical terror over Covid-19. It’s too bad that Hans Rosling is not alive in 2020 to help the forces of sanity fight Covid Derangement Syndrome.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


The Legacy of Thanksgiving is Free Enterprise

– November 23, 2020

“It is time to take their experience to heart and celebrate not the collectivism with which they began their start in the New World, but the spirit of liberty, private property, self-responsibility, and freedom of enterprise which they and those who came to America in the following centuries left to us as a legacy of individual freedom, limited government, and the prosperity that only can come from the competitive liberty of the free and voluntary marketplace.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


Medical Supplies Are Too Important to Leave to a National Supply Commander

– November 23, 2020

“Managing medical supply production and distribution is a most unnecessary attention for a central planner. As Smith points out, it is nowhere so dangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it.” ~ Art Carden


Covid Governments and Social Harmony

– November 22, 2020

“In a free society, trading, perusing wares, socializing and enjoying the company of others are mutually beneficial, innocent and harmonious actions. In a government-mandated Covid society, these wants are now antagonistic.”~ Joakim Book


Giving Thanks for Our Mutual Dependence

– November 21, 2020

“We need not surrender to authoritarian politicians our own moral agency to care for others. While some try to tear the ties that bind us, we can express gratitude for the great chain of human connection holding us together. We can celebrate the relationships that set us free and make the modern world possible.” ~ Barry Brownstein


Lockdowns Stunt Women’s Progress

– November 20, 2020

“Over the past one hundred years, the country created a space where women could more easily work, attain higher education, open businesses, and be freer economic agents. Now, lockdown policies and their advocates are forcing a massive step backward in gender equality and women’s economic freedom.” ~ Amelia Janaskie


If Trump Were Serious About Making America Great Again, He Would Have Done This

– November 20, 2020

“If Trump is serious about making America Great Again, he will, on his way out, do the right thing and make sure Santa Claus never threatens our airspace or our borders ever again.” ~ Art Carden


Not All Government Spending is Stimulus

– November 18, 2020

“Relief spending would be a much-needed blessing for many Americans. But paying people not to work does not stimulate the economy.” ~ Thomas L. Hogan


Cost of Lockdowns: A Preliminary Report

– November 18, 2020

“In the debate over coronavirus policy, there has been far too little focus on the costs of lockdowns. It’s very common for the proponents of these interventions to write articles and large studies without even mentioning the downsides.” ~ AIER Staff


Do Not Trust Governments with the Control of Money

– November 16, 2020

“If Judy Shelton is appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, and if she actually espouses and defends the ideas for which she is being condemned by so many of those ‘mainstream’ economists today, it may be a useful step to the societal transformation to a freer society, a key long run element of which must be the freeing of money from political control.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling