Topic: Economic Education

Changing the World: A Comparative Look at Public vs. Private Aid in the 19th and 21st Centuries

– May 16, 2021

“Though international aid should definitely not be considered a primary strategy toward poverty reduction, it still has an important role to play in lessening the side effects brought on by poverty, such as hunger and disease. We must continue to develop and correct the ways that we are allocating funds to those in need, so that it fills hungry mouths rather than lining politicians’ pockets.” ~ Rachel Sharrett


Setting the Table for Covid-X

– May 15, 2021

“Covid-19 struck a robust, arguably healthy economy; a less productive, more heavily-indebted, higher tax economy awaits Covid-X.” ~ Peter C. Earle


Frank Knight and the Place of Principles in Economics and Politics

– May 14, 2021

“This counterrevolution can be repulsed and reversed. But it will require the type of defenses of the principle of freedom in politics and economics that Frank Knight called for and reasoned about seventy years ago. We must cultivate a new age of enlightened liberty so as not to fully sink into a new dark age of tyranny and despair.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


The Economic Revelations of Buddhism

– May 12, 2021

“Matthew D. Milligan, visiting fellow at AIER and Ph.D specialist in epigraphy and material culture joins Aleksandra Przegalinska for an inside look at the intersection of religious cultures and market entrepreneurialism in the sphere of Buddhism and beyond.” ~ AIER


Hayek’s Still Relevant Response to Today’s Paternalist Planners

– May 11, 2021

“Majorities can be as intolerant and tyrannical as the worst absolute monarchs of the past, if not even more so. What has failed, in Hayek’s view, has not been the idea of democracy as such, but the particular form of democracy that developed over the last two hundred years, under which fewer and fewer corners of individual life are safe from what coalitions of special interest groups that form majorities on Election Day can impose on the rest of society.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


The Buchanan Thesis

– May 11, 2021

“Those of us who decry large and intrusive government should demand that government annually balance its budget. The tighter the constraint on government’s access to resources, the freer and more prosperous the people will be.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


The Lumber Market Delirium

– May 11, 2021

“A sordid cocktail of Covid lockdowns and expansionary monetary policy have led to explosive conditions in long-docile lumber markets.” ~ Peter C. Earle


Let’s Make A Deal: The Bourgeois Deal Among Many Others

– May 8, 2021

“As H.L. Mencken famously said, the urge to save humanity is almost always a false face for the desire to rule it. We’ve paid the butcher’s bill for generations of guillotine-operating humanitarians and kindly inquisitors. Perhaps we should grow up a little and take a different path.” ~ Art Carden


Dissenters, Unite!

– May 7, 2021

“Nemeth falls for the classic writer’s mistake of telling her readers something rather than showing them. She repeats her talking points about the group value of dissent and she explains the results from various experimental studies, but she never really delves into precisely how those studies convincingly prove the psychological results they aim for: that majorities can pressure us into disbelieving our own senses; that dissenters even in error can improve group decision-making; that consensus can quell creativity and the search for truth.’ ~ Joakim Book


From AI to UBI?

– May 4, 2021

“AI cannot credibly justify a radical policy like UBI at this point. Misunderstanding AI adds to a natural fear of the unknown though we know that technological change always proves beneficial to the economy and that society will have ample resources to aid anyone who might be displaced by AI in the future. People should concentrate on how AI can automate mundane tasks and stop technological fear mongering. Your job, like the world, will still be here tomorrow.” ~ Robert E. Wright & Aleksandra Przegalinska


Climate, CO2 Optimism

– May 1, 2021

“Climate alarmism, never proven, is speculative—and increasingly so. Climate models are overpredicting real-world warming by half. For climate economists, lower-range anthropogenic warming flips the alleged externality from negative to positive. In any case, as leading scientist Roy Spencer concludes, ‘There is no Climate Crisis. There is no Climate Emergency.'” ~ Robert L. Bradley


When Politicians Say Fair Tax, They Only Mean More Tax

– April 30, 2021

“So what exactly is anyone’s ‘fair share?’ That’s a hard question, and it’s made harder still when people tasked with answering it do everything they can to avoid answering it. As long as this continues, calls for the rich to pay ‘their fair share’ will never end because, in light of the numbers, proponents seem not to mean ‘fair’ at all. They simply mean, ‘more.'” ~ Antony Davies & James R. Harrigan