Topic: Economic Education

The Will to Power and the Specter of Hubris

– July 6, 2021

“Every intellectual and moral superior, from the Catholic Church half a millennium ago to the New York Times army of woke, preferred-pronoun-revealing editorial writers have thought themselves arrived at the final state of affairs. If you dare deviate, if you dare question the intellectually supreme class, if you dare utter those revealing words (‘hang on a minute…’), you deserve every ill that comes your way.” ~ Joakim Book


Market Competition Is the Best Solution for Big Tech Power

– July 6, 2021

“We have no right to post our opinions on another’s private property. The only real monopoly is the government itself or a business given a special privilege by the government. Government is the only entity that can legally use force and it is Big Government that is the real threat to liberty.” ~


A Conversation on Occupational Licensing

– July 5, 2021

“On this episode of the Authors Corner, Ethan interviews AIER Visiting Research Fellow and Economics PhD candidate at Middle Tennessee State University Protik Nandy to discuss occupational licensing. Occupational licensing continues to intrude into more areas of American economic life, creating little benefit for public safety while harming both workers and consumers.” ~ Ethan Yang


The Graduation Speech That I Would Have Given If Invited

– July 5, 2021

“You’ll be part of a huge peaceful legion of people whose cooperation and peaceful competition within markets and civil society will change the world for the better, a little bit each and every day, and yet in ways that no one today can possibly foresee. Remember, open-endedness and unpredictability are good! Happy graduation!” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Enough About Interest Rates!

– July 3, 2021

“We need to change the public conversation surrounding monetary policy. Talking about the Fed’s activities in terms of interest rates is easy, but deeply flawed. It is better to keep an eye on more relevant variables, like the overall size of the balance sheet.” ~ Alexander William Salter


A Conversation With the Great Richard Epstein

– July 2, 2021

“On this episode of the AIER Authors Corner, Ethan Yang interviews Richard Epstein, who is quite simply, one of the most influential legal scholars in the world. Epstein is the Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, the Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law at New York University Law School, and a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago.” ~ AIER


July 2, 1962: The Day Retail Changed Forever

– July 2, 2021

“Nothing is stopping commentators or humanitarians from starting a competing enterprise–call it HeartMart–run by a team of executives who are just as able as the people running Walmart but who are less greedy and, therefore, positioned to create better jobs for the people Walmart is so ruthlessly exploiting without compromising shareholder returns, prices, or selection.” ~ Art Carden


Does Classical Liberalism Need Intersectionality Theory?

– July 2, 2021

“If you still hold out hope that classical liberal thought can be constructively reconciled with intersectionality theory in a way that meets Crenshaw’s own terms, I can only suggest that you are likely being as dismissive of underlying problems with intersectionality as the political right is with intersectionality itself.” ~ Phillip W. Magness


Remembering Steve Horwitz

– June 30, 2021

“It is difficult to think about the world getting better and better when dealing with the loss of a friend. But I am sure Steve would continue to insist that it is. Deep down, I know he is right. Indeed, it has never been easier to remember and celebrate the lives of those who have passed away—to watch them, hear them, read their words, or build on their ideas.” ~ William J. Luther


“Progressives” Blame F. A. Hayek for Everything They Dislike

– June 29, 2021

“Slobodian’s vision – clearly one parallel to or coterminous with a socialist remake of society – would turn us away from all of liberalism’s accomplishments, however imperfect and incomplete they have been, and take us back to the primitive tribalism that Friedrich Hayek explained has taken humanity so long to escape from.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


Low Wages Are Not Proof that Workers Have Poor Bargaining Power

– June 28, 2021

“Pouring salt into this economic wound, a minimum wage – by pricing these workers out of jobs – prevents them from getting the skills and experience that would enable them tomorrow to bargain for better jobs.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Cancel Hardware Stores, Not Amazon Prime

– June 28, 2021

“Mutually beneficial exchange is one of the essential features of market processes, and it is pervasive throughout our interactions with Amazon—for consumers and producers—despite perceptions to the contrary. Policies devoted to curtailing those interactions make people worse off, and critics of Amazon should be aware of such consequences.” ~ Byron B. Caron III