Topic: Economic Education

Marijuana Legalization: Corporate America Now Leading the Way

– October 15, 2021

“Although government plays a role in confronting abuse, civil institutions have an even more important role in creating informal rules for drug use. We increasingly see this process at work, illustrating an important expansion of liberty in Americans’ lives.” ~ Doug Bandow


Five College Campus Myths

– October 14, 2021

“Many college students and young people are remarkably receptive to economic theory, but lack the experience with mainline economic education and research to come to sound economic conclusions on their own.” ~ David Gillette & Lauren Frazier


Pennsylvania’s Road to Serfdom (and Freedom’s to Perdition)

– October 14, 2021

“Pennsylvania’s updated ‘climate action plan,’ as were all previous plans, is a recipe for economic disaster and society’s mutual demise. Never has such ‘forward thinking’ been so utterly backward and ignorant.” ~ Colin McNickle


Assessing Market Expectations of Inflation

– October 13, 2021

“Those denying any risk that inflation will remain above target or confidently predicting that 4 percent inflation will be the new normal, are not within the range of reasonable. They are rightly ridiculed.” ~ William J. Luther


Capital Accumulation and the Reconciliation Package

– October 13, 2021

“Misguided tax hikes on businesses and individuals that discourage saving and diminish funds for private investment must be avoided. Neglecting this legislation’s adverse impact on capital accumulation means robbing future prosperity for the sake of the present social ends.” ~ Theodore A. Gebhard


Eyes on the Politicized Prize

– October 12, 2021

“We may conclusively establish that the monopsony scenario of the minimum wage was directly anticipated and discussed by economists for decades before Card and Krueger’s paper.” ~ Phillip W. Magness


What Are the Nobel Journalists Doing?

– October 12, 2021

“I’m always surprised at the unbelievably poor quality of questions journalists pose to the newly minted laureates. The profession of the Fourth Estate is indeed in hopeless decline; nowhere is this as clear as in watching the econ Nobel be announced.” ~ Joakim Book


The IMF Should Be Eliminated, Not Expanded

– October 12, 2021

“There are many good economists who work for the IMF and they often produce high-quality research. Sadly, their sensible analysis doesn’t seem to have any impact on the decisions of the organization’s top bureaucrats.” ~ Daniel J. Mitchell


Malthusian Misanthropy

– October 11, 2021

“Perhaps the most baleful feature of this benign man’s theory is the scarcity mentality it both posits and reinforces, and which has crept into contemporary thinking in biology, environmentalism, and economics.” ~ Richard Gunderman


A Current Burden of Deficit Financing

– October 11, 2021

“Only someone who is convinced that government will undertake only economically worthwhile projects regardless of the means of financing – or someone who doesn’t understand economics – can look favorably upon deficit financing by government.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


End Banking as We Know It?

– October 10, 2021

“Omarova is right to point out the deficiencies in central banking. Nonetheless, ending traditional banking to fix central banking would be like closing schools to improve student retention. There are easier ways forward.” ~ Kenneth Kalczuk


Can You Even Be An “Informed” Citizen?

– October 10, 2021

“The issues we’re considering are far, far more complex than you can fit on a bumper sticker, and this suggests that we would do better to move things into the commercial sphere rather than the political sphere.” ~ Art Carden