Topic: Economic Education

Stuck in Neutral: Trucking And the Pandemic

– December 14, 2021

“Omicron is upon us and a Pi variant is coming, heedless of science or superstition. It would be best for the US, Canada, and the rest of the world to face the coming waves with robust, unfettered trade in operation.” ~ Peter C. Earle


Carl Menger’s Free Market Advice to an Austrian Crown Prince

– December 13, 2021

“The underlying ideas for a limited government under classical liberal principles of personal freedom and economic liberty remain as relevant today as when Carl Menger delivered those lectures in 1876.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


Energy Pros Dismiss Liz Warren’s Complaints: ‘It’s Econ 101, Not Rocket Science’

– December 13, 2021

“In Warren’s home state of Massachusetts, policies blocking the expansion of natural gas pipelines have resulted in Russian LNG tankers in Boston Harbor bringing fuel to the Bay State.” ~ Chris Woodward


What Does Kyle Rittenhouse’s Legal Campaign Tell Us about Access to Crowdfunding?

– December 9, 2021

“For now, Visa and MasterCard haven’t made any discernible efforts to limit crowdfunding accessibility based on concerns over their brand. But if they were to start, that would be a concerning development.” ~ J.P. Koning


Not Hyperinflation, but Plenty Bad Enough

– December 9, 2021

“We see the seeds of this already in the intellectually bankrupt Modern Monetary Theory. MMT boils down to a simple policy prescription: politicians should feel free to print as much money as they want. That’s a recipe for hyperinflation.” ~ Antony Davies


Financial Regulators Ignore the Costs of Regulation

– December 8, 2021

“According to the main evidence cited by the bank regulators themselves, the NSFR will create a net cost to the U.S. financial system, not a net benefit.” ~ Thomas L. Hogan


Will Biden’s Covid Mandates Be an Economic Multiplier?

– December 7, 2021

“New mandates might temporarily boost Biden’s popularity (especially with the media) but will leave citizens less free. And the federal record since early 2020 does nothing to inspire confidence that further episodes of Pandemic Security Theater will keep us safe.” ~ James Bovard


Adam Smith on Self-Deceit

– December 7, 2021

“Bad men sustain delusions to deny their self-deceptions. Smithian liberalism limits the evils that delusional men can wreak, and it tends to contest and correct their delusions in the first instance.” ~ Daniel B. Klein


On Hayek’s “Kinds of Order in Society,” Part I

– December 6, 2021

“In ‘Kinds of Order in Society,’ Hayek identified two categorically different kinds of orders – ‘spontaneous orders’ and ‘organizations’ – that are both common and useful to humans.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Economic Incentives Matter: Especially When It Comes to Defense

– December 6, 2021

“Telling other governments what to do rarely succeeds, and has failed utterly when tried by Washington. Other nations have watched what the US did, not said, and realized that America would pay no matter what.” ~ Doug Bandow


Fixing Food: An FDA Insider Unravels the Myths and the Solutions

– December 1, 2021

“It’s time to readjust our perspectives on food and our misconceptions about the FDA. Just because one approach worked in 1906 for addressing different problems doesn’t mean that those same approaches will work today.” ~ Richard A. Williams


What You Can Learn On a Long Walk to American Girl

– November 29, 2021

“Shopping malls offer economic truths beyond their just being shopping locales. They’re in reality economic ecosystems that explain how economies work well outside their walls. A long walk to American Girl vivifies this truth with ease.” ~ John Tamny