Topic: Economic Education

Thomas Piketty Strikes Again

– January 27, 2022

“The obvious problem is that Piketty has his own sacrosanct vision, one where a powerful central government orders people about so that they don’t interfere with the grand scheme of equality.” ~ George Leef


Funding Obsolete Transportation

– January 26, 2022

“Transit subsidies make no more sense than subsidies to manual typewriters, rotary telephones, or steam locomotives. Designing transportation systems based on how people actually travel can make those systems safe, environmentally sensitive, resilient, and efficient.” ~ Randal O’Toole


What the Hell is Inflation Anyway?

– January 25, 2022

“Words mean different things to different people, and their meanings change over time. How we define inflation is a matter of choice, but we must also recognize that choice reflects more fundamental beliefs about how the economy functions.” ~ Michael J. Douma



– January 24, 2022

“Compared to the lives of our pre-industrial ancestors – and, in fact, compared even to the lives of our literal grandparents – each of our lives today is simple beyond the imagination of those who lived a few generations or more ago.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


Walter E. Williams, One of a Kind

– January 22, 2022

“A dedicated teacher and tireless defender of classical-liberal values, Walter’s vast body of work will not only continue to inspire those of us already in the liberal camp, but also to challenge those who as yet aren’t.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux


What Killed the Red Cars Is Still Killing Transit

– January 22, 2022

“Cars are superior to transit alternatives for the vast majority of individuals and circumstances. Policies which will punish the majority for whom driving remains far superior cannot effectively serve all residents’ interests.” ~ Gary M. Galles


The Money Illusion: A Review

– January 21, 2022

“‘Nothing is as it seems in the world of money,’ Sumner concludes, and worse so as of late. In his grand attempt at rectifying the many blunders in understanding the Great Recession, there’s something for everyone to learn.” ~ Joakim Book


The Value of Work

– January 21, 2022

“If the Great Resignation has taught us anything, it is this. No one fully understands what is happening in American labor markets. Our economy is still changing rapidly, but that’s not the only variable. Workers are changing too.” ~ Rachel Lu


Trade-Offs in Economics

– January 19, 2022

“Real-world complications highlight the limits of applying the basic idea of trade-offs in economics, but even with these complications, understanding this one basic economic principle offers powerful insights into consumer choice, economic growth, and international trade.” ~ Robert F. Mulligan


Bitcoin Is Not a Battery

– January 18, 2022

“One should not care about the dollar price of bitcoin or the bitcoin price of bitcoin. What really matters is how many real goods and services one can buy with bitcoin––that is, its real purchasing power.” ~ William J. Luther


They’re Now Saying Lockdown Spending Erased Poverty

– January 18, 2022

“What if politicians had wisely done nothing in March of 2020? Some will scoff at the notion, but the people are the marketplace, and it’s rare that substitution of limited knowledge for that of the marketplace turns out well.” ~ John Tamny


Even Bastiat’s Correspondence Shows His Love of Liberty

– January 17, 2022

“Frederic Bastiat advocated a government that, by focusing narrowly on ensuring that individuals ‘did not encroach on the freedom of others,’ guarantees citizens the ability to ‘fully and completely enjoy the free exercise of his or her physical, mental, and moral faculties.'” ~ Gary M. Galles