Topic: Economic Education

A Dispatch From the Corporatized Dystopia: Bring on the Chains!

– January 24, 2023

“If there’s still money to be made, consumers are voting for more, and it is not my prerogative, nor yours, or Bernie Sanders’, or anyone else’s to suppress those votes.” ~ Art Carden


Yes, Twelve Dollars Is a Good Price for Two Batteries–Under the Right Conditions

– January 20, 2023

“Economists are wary of the word ‘need;’ whether you need something or not is context-dependent, and I’m always amazed at how much my kids’ ‘needs’ change when they’re paying with their money rather than mine.” ~ Art Carden


Who is “Accountable” to Whom?

– January 17, 2023

“When people talk about ‘holding corporations accountable,’ they usually mean ‘accountable to observers with no serious stake in what they are doing and who bear no meaningful personal cost if their calls for accountability are misplaced.'” ~ Art Carden


Evidence that Economic Freedom Improves Outcomes

– January 16, 2023

“The four most recent decades of evidence support the claim that Thomas Jefferson made twenty-two decades ago: societies achieve the best outcomes when their governments prevent people from harming each other, but otherwise leave them alone.” ~ Antony Davies


The Economics of Mending Wall

– January 12, 2023

“Robert Frost’s masterful poem gives economists and students many opportunities to learn about property rights, self-governance, and peaceful cooperation.” ~ Byron B. Carson


Wage and Price Controls Are Not the Answer to Inflation

– January 10, 2023

“If the US imposed economy-wide price controls, as Krugman proposes, it would not stop inflation, just as the Emperor Diocletian’s economy-wide controls did not stop Roman inflation and just as the 1970s economy-wide controls did not stop US inflation.” ~ Raymond C. Niles


Three Errors Paul Ehrlich Keeps Making

– January 7, 2023

“In Ehrlich’s worldview, humanity only transgresses and can only cause harm. In Simon’s view, humanity takes primacy and the sources of its enrichment also repair many harms done to the environment, and eventually allows improvements.” ~ Vincent Geloso


Why Don’t You Go Somewhere Else?

– January 6, 2023

“As an entreaty from an employer to a worker, ‘Why don’t you go somewhere else?’ deserves more respect. In many areas of our lives, to exit (to other opportunities) is often a more effective mechanism than to negotiate (talking others into adopting your point of view).” ~ Gary M. Galles


What Deeper Lessons Can We Learn From Southwest Airlines’ Meltdown?

– January 4, 2023

“The lesson of Southwest Airlines’ debacle is not that it was ‘dumb’ or ‘shortsighted.’ Rather, it should make all of us think more deeply about the opportunity costs and benefits of small, or marginal changes in this efficiency-resiliency tradeoff.” ~ Craig J. Richardson


Free-Market Capitalism is the Next American Economy

– December 30, 2022

“Only by learning our unique history, and grasping the principles of free-market economics free from burdensome interference, can Americans embark on the next American economy.” ~ Vance Ginn


Putting Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply to Work

– December 30, 2022

“Economists use aggregate demand and aggregate supply (AS-AD model) to understand how inflation and real income growth are jointly determined.” ~ Bryan Cutsinger & Alexander William Salter


Spare a Thought for Bubble Wrap

– December 29, 2022

“Only a very wealthy society can afford to devote so much human ingenuity and effort to the careful production of packaging materials that are promptly discarded, in most cases, without a thought after a single use.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux