Topic: Crisis

pelosi, schumer

Be Serious, You Don’t Solve Lockdowns With More Central Planning

– September 18, 2020

“Stated simply, the economy is weak because politicians imposed command-and-control lockdowns, and having done that, they poured gasoline on a fire of their own making with trillions more in spending. Let’s not vandalize common sense with more of what’s already failed. The only economic relief is an end to the lockdowns.” ~ John Tamny


In this Red Dawn, Who Invaded Whom?

– September 18, 2020

“This was indeed Red Dawn. The invader was not the virus but rather governments who imagined that with enough edicts and guns they could intimidate the virus into going away. They tried to scare the disease away with rhetoric and violence but in the end, governments have only one ability: the capacity to control people. The sooner we recognize the real enemy is government overreach, the sooner we can get on with making sure nothing like this ever happens again.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker


South Dakota: America’s Sweden

– September 17, 2020

“Under the leadership of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, the Great Plains state has effected a fortress of liberty and hope protected from the grasps of overbearing politicians. And interestingly enough, South Dakota policies echo many of the same values and approaches as Sweden, and both have uncoincidentally experienced positive outcomes.” ~ Amelia Janaskie


Yes, 2021 Could Be Worse

– September 16, 2020

“Buck up, buckaroos, because 2021 is just a cultural construct anyway. The world will improve not on an arbitrary day but when you all decide to make it a better place.” ~ Robert E. Wright

women, shopping, economic impact

Deeply Impacting the Economy

– September 15, 2020

“When the world suddenly changes, we want an economic system that adjusts and reflects our updated knowledge and desires. That requires prices to move, quantities to change, bankruptcies to occur and a whole lot of profiteering – whether in our world or in fictional worlds.” ~ Joakim Book


Federal Court Holds “Stay-at-Home” Orders and Mandatory Business Closures Unconstitutional

– September 14, 2020

“Orders like Judge Stickman’s today remind the American people that they are not, actually, legally governed by fifty individual dictators, each empowered to declare at whim unlimited “emergencies” restricting basic, unalienable rights. No, we are not that.” ~ Stacey Rudin


YouTube Censors White House Health Advisor Scott Atlas

– September 14, 2020

“Incredibly, YouTube has take down the video interview of Scott Atlas for the usual vague reasons about community standards. AIER has it embedded here.” ~ AIER


Coase and Covid: The Individualized Option

– September 14, 2020

“The case, in short, for government-orchestrated NPIs is simply invalid. Why was Coase ignored and the individualized option never considered? And why will so many people continue to reject it?” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux & Lyle D. Albaugh


Corona’s Culture of Coercive Compliance

– September 14, 2020

“We are not to ask certain questions, according to the politicians, the experts, our friends. It’s over when we say it’s over, they say. We must keep each other safe. So cover your nose and mouth. Stand six feet apart. Stay home. Comply.” ~ Jenin Younes


In a War on Restaurants, Media Tout the Lockdown Narrative

– September 13, 2020

“Lockdowns have become a conclusion in a desperate search for evidence. This is precisely where we’ve been for six solid months now. The media has become the handmaiden of lockdown tyranny, blasting out simplistic versions of sketchy studies to keep the panic going as long as possible.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker

empty tables

The Empty Corona Chairs and the Spare Capacity Fallacy

– September 12, 2020

“Business responses to corona have shown us that unused items – from chairs and tables to urinals – still have value; they are still in use, even when nobody seems to be occupying them. Most importantly, government spending has little ability to raise that utilization. For this age-old economic fallacy, free lunches remain elusive.” ~ Joakim Book


Defund, Defund, Defund

– September 11, 2020

“It is unclear how many grant competitions remain to be adjudicated at ED and other agencies, or how much money is at stake. But when schools, colleges, corporations, mayors, and governors say that ‘health and safety are our highest priorities,’ we should take them at their word. None of them should make any fuss when the federal government withholds funding in the name of health and safety. Otherwise, their statements about their priorities would reek of hypocrisy.” ~ Adam Kissel