Topic: Crisis

The Times Wants You Consumed by Fear, Isolation, and Misery

– January 30, 2021

“We do not need to destroy society, lock people in their homes, tear down businesses, close schools, traumatize kids, drive people to alcoholism and drug abuse, divide society between the clean ruling class and the dirty working class, ban travel, close churches, abolish choirs, and whip up the population into a frenzied psychological meltdown in order to deal with a new strain of a respiratory virus. But tell that to the New York Times.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker


The Attacks on Kristi Noem Have Only Just Begun

– January 30, 2021

“Why would the NYT go out of its way to attack Kristi, who even it admits remains popular in South Dakota? Possibilities abound but I see no reason to reject the hypothesis that the woke newsroom staffers who seized editorial control of the paper after the Cotton op-ed affair see Kristi and the entire state as a threat to their agenda, not just on Covid, but across the board.” ~ Robert E. Wright


The Catastrophic Impact of Covid Forced Societal Lockdowns

– January 30, 2021

“Why would we impose more catastrophic restrictive policies when they have not worked? We even have government leaders now enacting harder and even more draconian lockdowns after admitting that the prior ones have failed. Lockdowns are not an acceptable long-term strategy and have severely impacted populations socially, economically, psychologically, and health wise.” ~ AIER Contributing Authors


Dismiss All the Populist GameStop Hype: Short Sellers Are Heroes

– January 29, 2021

“Keep this in mind as pundits make their silly arguments about GameStop’s price action signaling a shift of power away from hedge funds, and back to the little guy. Such a view isn’t true, plus it ignores the heroics of short sellers. They’re in truth price givers, and the economy couldn’t function without them.” ~ John Tamny


The Lockdown to End All Lockdowns

– January 29, 2021

“Rationally ignorant voters tired of the status quo might flock to a party credibly committed to liberty and the Constitution. A party truly committed to limited government and voluntary association does not need a problematic, charismatic leader like Trump but instead could prevail merely on the incentive-aligned reality of its commitment to the Constitution and liberty.” ~ Robert E. Wright


No, Lockdowns Do Not Foster Creative Destruction

– January 29, 2021

“When recovery from the effects of lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, and other draconian measures finally comes, it will be in spite of, not with the help of––and certainly not because of––county, state, and Federal government measures.” ~ Peter C. Earle


Judge Temporarily Blocks Cuomo’s Indoor Dining Ban in Ongoing Lawsuit

– January 28, 2021

“The judge recognized that the dining restrictions have caused irreparable harm and that halting the restrictions until the trial was over would be appropriate. For that reason and the belief that the petitioners had a strong potential to succeed based on the rational basis test, he granted a preliminary injunction against the dining ban.” ~ Ethan Yang


Two Years to Stop the Spread: Some Countries will Close Borders until at least 2022

– January 27, 2021

“Still, many American ‘public health experts’ have urged legislators to adopt the Australia and New Zealand rights-restricting model for ‘stopping the spread.’ Dr. Anthony Fauci, the long time government health bureaucrat, has applauded Australia and New Zealand, claiming they have ‘done quite well’ in their draconian policy response to COVID-19.” ~ Jordan Schachtel


Too Many Experts, Too Little Knowledge

– January 27, 2021

“The kind of information people acquire in their myriad interactions with others is often undervalued as a means of preventative behavior. As helpful as science is for understanding causal mechanisms — and it is — it should not be the only source of knowledge that informs your behavior, let alone policy.” ~ Byron B. Carson III & David Waugh


What Is the Alternative to Lockdowns? A Symposium

– January 26, 2021

Preserving the normal functioning society must be the priority in order to maximize the health of the community, and not by focusing on just one pathogen but all aspects of public health.


The Question of Masks

– January 26, 2021

“Until a substantial portion of us stand up and make clear that we will not tolerate being stripped of life, liberty, property, and dignity, our governments will continue to inflict these repressive measures.” ~ Jenin Younes


What Does It Mean for a Virus to Become ‘Endemic?’

– January 25, 2021

“The sooner we recognize Covid as endemic, the sooner we can overcome this unfettered hysteria. By comparison to the previous year’s headlines, the media would no longer be able to act as a foghorn of fear-mongering. Citizens could become increasingly tolerant of the virus, and responsibility for personal risk and decisions to access medical care will once again belong to individuals.” ~ Micha Gartz