Topic: Crisis

Tyrannies of Hyperreality

– July 13, 2022

“Outsourcing our problems to distant capitals has always gotten us into bigger problems. So the lesson here is not just about hyperreality. We must start to decentralize. Localize. Self-organize.” ~ Max Borders


US Celebrates Alliance With Seoul: But Is South Korea Worth a Nuclear War?

– July 12, 2022

“Absent a miraculous deus ex machina, the North will soon be able to destroy American cities. This requires Washington to consider the unthinkable: acquiescing to if not encouraging South Korean development of its own nuclear deterrent.” ~ Doug Bandow


Inflation, Unemployment, and Fed Credibility

– July 11, 2022

“Any time it looks like there’s a tradeoff between unemployment and inflation, something has gone very wrong. We could’ve avoided both horns of the dilemma if the Fed had done its job.” ~ Alexander William Salter


Make America Free Again (MAFA)

– July 10, 2022

“The policy path to MAFA is clear, deregulate everything from Amtrak to monetary policy, while reinvigorating the Third Sector (nonprofits) and forming a Ministry of Truth to police all claims, and only claims, made by governments, government officials, and politicians.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Black American Identity, Family, and Religion: An Interview with Glenn Loury

– July 10, 2022

“Racial disparity is really only a derivative result of the larger social abandonment of a set of norms which manifests itself most immediately and most severely in the African American population, but which really is a larger question for all Americans.” ~ Glenn Loury & Alexander Riley


There Ought To Be a Law, or at Least a Regulation.

– July 7, 2022

“When the busybodies at the FDA picture the impacts of their new regulations, they imagine that these interventions will save lives, reduce health consequences, and protect Americans. They imagine only the results they want, not the way people actually behave.” ~ Laura Williams


The Amtrak Abomination

– July 7, 2022

“While trains are not especially good for the environment, many people assume they are ‘green,’ also allowing for some of the fake virtue signaling many American politicians seem to crave.” ~ Robert E. Wright


How UT-Austin Administrators Destroyed an Intellectual Diversity Initiative

– July 7, 2022

“The extreme hostility of the faculty toward this project shows the desperate need for something serious along these lines. However, with the current administration at UT-Austin, nothing will be possible without far more direct state intervention.” ~ Richard Lowery


Leave the Gas Station Owners Out of It

– July 6, 2022

“Saddling gas station owners with the blame for a particularly damaging aspect of the ongoing inflation increase is, beyond wildly inaccurate, irresponsible and morally unconscionable.” ~ Peter C. Earle


SCOTUS to Congress: On Environmental Policy, Do Your Job

– July 6, 2022

“‘This is a win for the climate and constitutional democracy,’ says Drew Bond, president of Conservative Coalition for Climate (C3) Solutions. ‘Any serious person knows that innovation, not overregulation, is the solution to reducing global greenhouse gas emissions.’” ~ Chris Woodward


Strike Three for the Federal Reserve

– July 4, 2022

“No batter always gets on base but America, nay the world, has a high-quality pinch hitter that it benched a century ago: the Gold Standard. It’s not perfect but it is far better, and fairer, than the Fed.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Washington’s Budget Deficits: Size and Composition Matter

– July 4, 2022

“Since entitlements are off the table under threats of touching ‘the third rail of politics,’ then proponents of fiscal discipline have been trying to reform and constrain an ever-smaller portion of the overall budget.” ~ Peter T. Calcagno & Edward J. Lopez