Topic: Crisis

You Can’t Even Get Past Its Title Before Discovering Good Reasons To Fear AB 257

– August 14, 2022

“It would harm many lower income and minority consumers and workers, as well as franchisees, in the name of helping those groups. It would also reduce workers’ freedom.” ~ Gary M. Galles


The FDA Has a Science Problem

– August 14, 2022

“Holman’s departure from an agency that claims to want to reduce smoking to a tobacco company is more indicative of an underlying theme: tobacco and vaping companies are more committed to helping adults quit smoking than the FDA.” ~ Lindsey Stroud


We Can’t Breathe!

– August 13, 2022

“The lucky thing is that no planning is needed for recovery, just removal of the policies restricting the free flow of funds to those willing to take calculated risks.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Andrew Jackson: Man of the People

– August 13, 2022

“Jackson’s task, as his supporters saw it, was to be ‘a curative to the corrupt politics cankering Washington.’ He was sent there to drain the swamp.” ~ John Bicknell


Bug Off and Let People Enjoy Their Food

– August 12, 2022

“The problem isn’t us having a ‘yuck factor’ to dignified mealworms and astounding fly larvae. The problem is them declaring such things ‘the future of food’ and telling us that our disgust is a threat to the world.” ~ Jon Sanders


The DIE Revolution Will Transform Tenure

– August 12, 2022

“If universities start removing outspoken faculty members who are adherent to the traditional academic ethic, there will simply be no recourse within the new system.” ~ Alexander Riley


Accounting for Inflation

– August 11, 2022

“The great irony is that inflation would have been transitory if only the Fed had stabilized nominal spending. Prices would have risen above trend to reflect below-trend production and then returned to trend as production recovered.” ~ William J. Luther & Morgan Timmann


Save Your Flip Flops for the Beach

– August 11, 2022

“Voters should vote their convictions and consciences as the Framers intended, and policymakers and pundits should stop flip-flopping like fish or flimsy footwear. Either way, it’s a bad look that hurts democratic discourse.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Energy Hypocrisy as Rich Countries Denying the Poor the Power to Develop

– August 11, 2022

“This promised nirvana is a sham consisting of wishful thinking and green marketing. The world’s rich would never accept off-grid, renewable energy themselves — nor should the world’s poor.” ~ Bjorn Lomborg


Gulliver’s Travels in Washington, D.C.

– August 9, 2022

“Perhaps, like the King on the Island of Laputa, our elite need a reminder of the danger of wielding such power. Unlike Swift’s protagonist, we are not gullible.” ~ Caroline Breashears


The Progressive Left and the Push to Reset the Federal Reserve’s Legal Mandates

– August 8, 2022

“It is puzzling why former Federal Reserve officials have not vocally denounced these developments for what they are: a direct attack on capitalism, free market driven investment, and Federal Reserve independence.” ~ Paul H. Kupiec


New ‘Hunger Winter’ Looms as Europe Prepares to Shiver

– August 7, 2022

“The democracies are riven with culture wars and other indulgences as Europe’s crisis is in the making. For much of the rest of the world, a new Hunger Winter looms. Many will be cold this winter, others will be hungry. Untold numbers will die.” ~ Llewellyn King