Topic: Capitalism

Transferism, Not Socialism, Is the Drug Americans Are Hooked On

– December 24, 2021

“We have polluted our political discourse with two words that no longer have much meaning: socialism and capitalism. In the process, we don’t call the animating principle of modern American politics what it actually is: transferism.” ~ James R. Harrigan & Antony Davies


From Fast Growth to No Growth to De-Growth

– August 4, 2021

“Whereas some anti-capitalists wish earnestly for capitalism’s end and yearn for a future utopia of non-capitalist wealth (a contradiction), others of them yearn for the world known before capitalism, the non-capitalist world that was fundamentally feudal and medieval.” ~ Richard M. Salsman


Three – No, Four – Cheers for Space-Travelling Billionaires

– August 3, 2021

“Private space programs are commercial endeavors in the short term, philanthropy over the long term – on an epic scale. Expecting public magnanimity was probably foolish.” ~ Peter C. Earle


Cancel Hardware Stores, Not Amazon Prime

– June 28, 2021

“Mutually beneficial exchange is one of the essential features of market processes, and it is pervasive throughout our interactions with Amazon—for consumers and producers—despite perceptions to the contrary. Policies devoted to curtailing those interactions make people worse off, and critics of Amazon should be aware of such consequences.” ~ Byron B. Caron III


With Capitalism, Cooperation Is Just as Important as Competition

– June 10, 2021

“Unlike the common condemnation of markets as the antithesis of cooperation, Leonard Read recognized, with Ludwig von Mises, that competitive markets comprise ‘a system of mutual cooperation,’ where ‘the function of competition is to assign to every member of the social system that position in which he can best serve the whole of society and all of its members.'” ~ Gary M. Galles


Fish, Rice and What the Green Movement Really Stands For

– June 4, 2021

“The idea is always to lock us down both in terms of population and consumption and woe to anyone or anything that allows more consumption with equal or fewer resources. Don’t fall for the safety arguments. The argument is against capitalism and humanity. That’s no fish story.” ~ Michael Fumento


Capitalism Can’t Fix An Artificial Labor Shortage

– June 3, 2021

“Governments only have spending power and faux swagger insofar as they arrogate to themselves a rising percentage of the production created by capitalistic endeavor. In other words, capitalism is the source of congressional largesse. In 2020, Congress chose to use the wealth extracted from capitalists in order to make hiring quite a bit more expensive for capitalists.” ~ John Tamny


The Industrial Revolution Was Not a Wash!

– May 14, 2021

“The findings of these recent articles are incredible for anyone seeking to bridge the divide between scholarly knowledge and the popular imagination. They show that even the worst-case scenario implies that the Industrial Revolution constituted a momentous and positive development in terms of the quality of life of the poorest.” ~ Vincent Geloso


“After the Revolution, You Will Like Going Camping!” G.A. Cohen’s Camping Trip Reconsidered

– May 5, 2021

“This doesn’t require a thought experiment: people vote for capitalism and against socialism in droves by trying to move to freer and more prosperous countries. Socialists might have laudable goals like feeding, clothing, and sheltering everyone–and I agree with these–but I would no more suggest socialism to treat poverty and inequality than I would prescribe leeches, mercury, and bloodletting to treat cancer.” ~ Art Carden


The Best Part of Life in the 21st Century? Not Being Dead

– March 31, 2021

“Is the modern world perfect for everyone? Of course it isn’t, but it’s trending in the right direction. The Covid pandemic has been a setback, but it has only delayed the day when everyone has first-world problems like a closet full of clothes with nothing to wear. That day is coming, though, and in our world of incremental progress, more of us will be there to see it.” ~ Art Carden


Do Some Workers And Business Owners Secretly Prefer Lockdown Misery?

– March 16, 2021

“About what’s been said, it should be stressed once again that it’s in no way a defense of the indefensible lockdowns. It’s merely an attempt to understand why some might prefer that the indefensible remain. One possibility is that a lack of competition is comfort for those who would prefer not to compete.” ~ John Tamny


Space Exploration Is Best Left to Machines

– March 5, 2021

“Human evolution has at best ground to a halt … and at worst is regressing. But machines march on and on. Whether they can eventually replace us in all ways is both definitional and a subject for another time. But in outer space? Yes, humanity will indeed boldly go where it hasn’t before. But in his creations, not in physical bodies.” ~ Michael Fumento