Topic: Authoritarianism

Measuring the Spread of DEI

– September 19, 2022

“An old adage of management is that you can’t improve or fix what you don’t measure. Our diagnostic is a first attempt to create a simple way to measure the scourge of DEI ideology in American higher education.” ~ Bruce Gilley


Opposing Totalitarians Who Are “Dizzy with Success”

– September 18, 2022

“Totalitarians become ‘dizzy with success’ only when the masses enable them. If moral courage is in short supply when the costs of opposition are relatively low, the worst becomes inevitable.” ~ Barry Brownstein


The Descent into Tyranny

– September 18, 2022

“We must bravely speak out against the governmentalization of social affairs and against the unjust sentiments and beliefs that forward it.” ~ Daniel B. Klein & Michael C. Munger


All for Nothing

– September 14, 2022

“Kempowski helps us realize that progress will go retrograde when people adopt illiberal beliefs. Will blinding fear and false faith set the course for the next era of American history? Has the suffering during the pandemic been all for nothing?” ~ Barry Brownstein


Lessons From Biden’s Disinformation Board Debacle

– September 10, 2022

“The trillions of pages of new secrets that the U.S. government creates each year is a disinformation entitlement program. In a city that already had hundreds of full-time political appointees whose task is to lie to the America public, why was another board needed?” ~ James Bovard


A Skeptic Confronts False Prophets

– September 9, 2022

“McWhorter argues that woke racism is a new religion. Like other religions, woke racism has superstitions, a clergy, original sin, evangelical outreach, an apocalyptic vision, heretics, and an eagerness to supplant earlier religions.” ~ Joshua Mitchell



– September 2, 2022

“Dugin sees this history, and embraces it. Lord Acton taught us, ‘power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ Dugin says, absolute power is wonderful.” ~ Clifford F. Thies


Should We Eliminate the Involuntary Servitude Exception?

– September 1, 2022

“Any change like this costs political capital, and so we should only push for changes that are likely to have real impact, especially since there is so much that needs to be done to achieve meaningful criminal justice reform in the United States.” ~ Chris W. Surprenant


Out of Control Government and Isaiah’s Job

– August 29, 2022

“Just as Albert Jay Nock helped to cultivate a new generation of friends of freedom, that is our task in our own time. And together we can make a society of liberty a reality, without always being depressed or despondent about who or how many may be listening.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


The Rise of ESG, Replacing Profits with Paternalism, and Strategy with Standards

– August 28, 2022

“It seems likely that any standardized framework will be based on the UN’s postulates when all is said and done, and this will have all transpired in front of our eyes and by use of our own pocketbooks.” ~ Kimberlee Josephson


Criminal Code

– August 26, 2022

“The Tornado Cash ban is very disappointing. Rather than bolstering financial privacy, the U.S. government is making financial privacy a crime.” ~ Joshua R. Hendrickson & William J. Luther


The Suicide of the American Historical Association

– August 20, 2022

“In this branch of academia, it does not matter whether the 1619 Project was truthful or factually accurate. The only concerns are whether its narrative can be weaponized for a political cause or used to deflect scrutiny of the same.” ~ Phillip W. Magness