Topic: Authoritarianism

CDC vs. Common Sense

– March 13, 2021

“Our governmental agencies are bestowed with certain powers to safeguard the lives of individuals and not to harass and subjugate them to the whims of a few narrow field ‘experts’ who have no idea about the well-being of the society as a whole. We are allowing government agencies and inept government bureaucrats and technocrats to destroy our lives and futures. Stopping Covid ‘at all costs’ will destroy us societally and globally!” ~ AIER Contributing Authors


What Inapt Pandemic Response Is Doing to Our Societies

– March 12, 2021

“That Wall Street Journal editorial doesn’t muck about with qualifications: ‘The goal of this Democratic program isn’t Covid relief. The point is to expand and solidify the role of government as the guarantor of every American’s income unlinked to any obligation to work.’ Salute your new Washington savior; (s)he’s probably here to stay.” ~ Joakim Book


The Brutalization of College Students During Lockdowns

– March 12, 2021

“Long before Covid-19, many of higher ed’s business operations could be characterized as a self-serving job security program for administrators and faculty, fueled by the tuition payments of students who had little say in the product they received and, more broadly, the taxpayers who sustain their operations. With little surprise, the pandemic has exposed and intensified these faults.” ~ Phillip W. Magness & Jack Nicastro


The Lego Movie Isn’t Really about Freedom

– March 11, 2021

“I might be wrong that The Lego Movie portends a future of one generation of planners replacing another. Maybe it is just a fun cartoon after all. Still, the idea of master builders battling each other over what to make out of the pieces is a chilling one. If you watch it again, just remember that we are the pieces and we are not in charge. Then the movie takes on a completely different caste.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker


Politicized Name Calling and the Dehumanization of Difference

– March 11, 2021

“The election of 2020 caused a big ruckus for nothing. We went into the election with a mean, old elephantine POTUS and came out of it with a mean, old asinine one. Both espouse policies that are, frankly, rather Australopithecine in nature.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Lockdowns Wrecked Democracy around the World

– March 10, 2021

“The Biden administration is reviving America’s proselytizing for democracy around the globe. But Covid-19 crackdowns are a warning for people to be wary of oppressive governments regardless of their purported mandate. The world doesn’t need any more Cage Keeper Democracies where citizens’ ballots merely designate who will place them under house arrest.” ~ James Bovard


Masking Children: Tragic, Unscientific, and Damaging

– March 10, 2021

“Masking children is as absurd, illogical, nonsensical, and potentially dangerous as trying to stop ‘every case of Covid’ or ‘stopping Covid at all costs.’ Masks are not needed for children based on near zero risk in children. The risk of dying from Covid-19 is ‘almost zero’ for young people. The issue of masks in children is really a risk management question for parents and any decision-maker. The science is settled.” ~ AIER Contributing Authors


Fauci and the Communists

– March 10, 2021

“It’s important to recall that the United States and over 100 countries initiated lockdowns exclusively because of the ‘data’ that was being transmitted out of Wuhan. It was faulty, unchallenged Chinese data, repeated by authoritative figures like Fauci and his colleagues, that convinced the world to undergo lockdowns and embrace early, aggressive ventilation of COVID-19 patients, among other botched, unscientific treatment and mitigation measures.” ~ Jordan Schachtel


The Entrenchment of Lockdown Denialism

– March 9, 2021

“We cannot speak honestly about the astronomical costs of lockdowns until our mainstream media outlets at least begin to speak the word. They need to acknowledge the existence of the most devastating policy decision in many lifetimes, a use of government power we never imagined possible and one with catastrophic effects.” ~ Jeffrey Tucker


The Brutal Attack on Scientific Dissent

– March 9, 2021

“We have not seen the real impact of this pandemic yet, but it is to come and it will be far-reaching for years and decades to come and it is the reason why pandemic experts (Henderson and Inglesby etc.) have never advocated for such draconian lockdown steps in the face of a pandemic. They understood what the catastrophic result would be. We must never forget this and we desperately need alternative voices now to get us out of this catastrophic mess our governments, their expert advisors and media medical advisors seem incapable of doing.” ~ Paul E. Alexander


Covid-19 Lockdowns Violate the US Constitution

– March 9, 2021

“The heavy-handed use of government executive emergency orders issued over the course of the prior 12 months should give all Americans cause for concern about the protection of our personal liberties and constitutional rights. Americans need to be better informed about not only the economic consequences of government public health lockdowns, but also about the recent and unprecedented infringement on our personal liberties as decreed in the US Constitution.” ~ Steve Dewey


Lin Yutang, a Classical Liberal Voice for a Free China

– March 9, 2021

“If the Chinese people were allowed to freely read and discuss and act upon the ideas of a liberal individualist such as Lin Yutang, they might think twice if the road they are being led down by Xi Jinping and the Communist Party is the one best for them as unique and distinct human beings. And, who knows, they might even follow Lin Yutang’s advice of supplying more prisons to house their power-lusting and plundering and paternalistic politicians.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling