Topic: Authoritarianism

Lockdown Tyranny: A Personal Retrospective

– March 24, 2021

“Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito declared late last year, ‘The pandemic has resulted in previously unimaginable restrictions on individual liberty.’ Unfortunately, unless there is a stark ruling from the Supreme Court, shutdowns could return whenever politicians can panic enough citizens with some new threat. But in the long run, people have more to fear from politicians than from viruses.’ ~ James Bovard


There Is No Such Thing as a Public Health Expert

– March 24, 2021

“Self-proclaimed public health experts are really nothing more than aspiring autocrats who happen to populate governments and academic departments. Given the lack of actual expertise or competition in those fields, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that these same individuals also happen to have atrocious track records when it comes to preventing and treating disease spread.” ~ Jordan Schachtel


The 6-Foot Mandate Was Bad Science

– March 23, 2021

“The CDC along with overprotective public health experts have always had a long list of absurd and unrealistic recommendations for society. In the age of Covid-19, we finally gave them the keys to control and now we have seen firsthand the dystopia they would create. It is important that we establish this fact and learn this lesson, because those who intend to write history may see things differently.” ~ Ethan Yang


To End Budget Deficits, Restrict Political Pickpockets

– March 22, 2021

“Unless some way is found to escape from our current political situation, to use Frederic Bastiat’s words, in which the State has become the ‘great fiction’ through which everyone tries to live at everyone else’s expense, we are facing a fiscal and general social crisis that may truly be destructive of society in the coming years.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


The Final Push to Restore Freedom

– March 22, 2021

“The Liberty Train is leaving the station, ultimate destination unknown but surely a better place than its current location. Climb aboard, or at least chip in for the fuel.” ~ Robert E. Wright


No, The Pandemic Didn’t Heal Nature

– March 20, 2021

“We cannot protect our environment and tackle issues such as climate change by locking down entire economies and causing untold human suffering. In fact, the available evidence shows that nature suffered as a result of the virus and government-imposed lockdowns. As we recover mentally and economically from both the pandemic and statist overreach, we must learn from these lessons.” ~ Christopher Barnard


The 2020 Recession: Blame Lockdowns, Not the Virus

– March 20, 2021

“Lockdowns have caused an unprecedented level of economic damage that has far exceeded any event in modern history be it another pandemic or a financial crisis. That is because unlike any other challenge in history, governments across the world forcefully stopped society from reacting and recovering. It should be uncontroversial and frankly, intellectually honest, to say that it was lockdowns that caused the misery that we were forced to endure, not Covid-19.” ~ Ethan Yang & Jack Nicastro


Essential and Non-Essential: Never Again

– March 19, 2021

“People’s communities, jobs, hobbies, and everyday lives are essential to their survival and flourishing. It is unethical and immoral for central planners and public health officials to attempt to control the spread of a virus – however deadly it may be to certain demographics – at the expense of individuals’ natural rights, physical health, mental health, and metaphysical well-being: that elusive, invaluable thing called ‘happiness.'” ~ Jack Nicastro


The End of America?

– March 19, 2021

“The new biofascism in the West, very much driven by Big Tech leaders, and soon to be exploited by our enemies geopolitically, is a war against free human beings and against the qualities that make us human. Why is this? Why develop policies that punish, encumber and restrict human contact in analog (unsurveilled, unmediated) spaces? Because human contact is the great revolutionary force when it comes to human freedom and resistance to this form of comprehensive biofascism – the biofascism represented by the New Normal.” ~ Naomi Wolf


Tell Me Again How Governments Are Essential

– March 19, 2021

“I’m still routinely shocked that people think governments are essential to the operating of civilized life and crucial for our well-being. The more interactions like these that I have, the more confused I am that not everyone jumps ship and embraces a smarter world. So: tell me again, why do we need governments?” ~ Joakim Book


The Disease Models Were Tested and Failed, Massively

– March 19, 2021

“The repeated failures of the Ferguson/ICL model point to a scientific error at the heart of the theory behind lockdowns and similar NPIs. They assume, without evidence, that their prescriptive approach is correct, and that it may be implemented by sheer will as one might achieve by clicking a check-box in a Sim City-style video game. After a year of real-time testing, it is now abundantly clear that this video game approach to pandemic management ranks among the most catastrophic public health policy failures in the last century.” ~ Phillip W. Magness

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The Chicken Little Act Isn’t Working – COVID Mania Is Wearing Off

– March 19, 2021

“People who can move the needle and shape opinions are finally speaking out against the failed draconian mandates, from scientists to doctors to politicians to other influential individuals, they came to the party a year late, but at least they’re here now. The repeated Chicken Little act is getting old and tiresome. Eventually, people have come to realize that the sky is not, in fact, falling.” ~ Jordan Schachtel