Topic: Authoritarianism

Governor Cuomo’s Unconstitutional Vaccine Passport Program

– June 2, 2021

“Governor Cuomo is under the mistaken impression that he can control the lives and personal health decisions of millions of New Yorkers and that the best way to do so is coercing them into receiving a vaccine. In the long run, though, these measures are likely to backfire, as they almost certainly will manifest in a breakdown in trust between the public and authorities.” ~ Jenin Younes


Inflation Is a Dangerous Way to Get Rid of Debt Burdens

– June 1, 2021

“The United States is in dangerous waters if it becomes ‘general wisdom’ and ‘popular opinion’ among public policy analysts and politicians that governments can spend all they want, in any amount, by just running huge annual budget deficits and expanding the national debt because it can all be made to go away through a magician’s trick of monetary expansion and currency debasement” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


Lockdown Kitsch

– June 1, 2021

“All we ‘lockdown sceptics’ can do is to continue to ask questions, to continue to doubt, and – though I wish I had a more pleasant-sounding metaphor – continue to spit, in the hope that this will undermine the sense of universality that lockdown kitsch relies upon.” ~ David McGrogan


Taiwan is a Great Country

– May 29, 2021

“Taiwan is a country full of rich culture and a model of freedom not just in Asia but the world. If the CCP is looking for a country to question the legitimacy of, perhaps it should stop looking at Taiwan and look in a mirror.” ~ Ethan Yang


The Twilight Zone, Hogan’s Heroes, and the Emotional Support Mask

– May 28, 2021

“Perhaps masks simply provide an emotional support mechanism for people who have been unfortunately frightened out of their wits by the pseudo-scientists and the profit-maximizing media. It’s time to ditch the emotional support mask and those who advocate its use.” ~ Donald Siegel & Robert Sauer


Will the Pandemic Promote Political Power in Perpetuity?

– May 26, 2021

“The more people who view government as their personal savior, the easier it becomes for politicians to demagogue to ever greater power. But as economist Warren Nutter warned, ‘The more that government takes, the less likely that democracy will survive.'” ~ James Bovard


Lockdowns Need to Be Intellectually Discredited Once and For All

– May 26, 2021

“Unilaterally and arbitrarily shutting down all of economic and social life was never part of the solution, nor should it ever be. Covid-19 has been the first test for these experimental lockdown policies and no rational observer should look back at the results and conclude that this is all worth trying again.” ~ Ethan Yang


Papers, Please! Oregon Now Requires ‘Proof of Vaccination’

– May 25, 2021

“With the corrupt policies being pursued by the authorities in statewide office, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that not everyone in the state is thrilled with the policies being pushed by Salem. On Tuesday, 5 Oregon counties voted in favor of leaving the state and becoming part of Idaho.” ~ Jordan Schachtel


The Paternalist Instincts of a Central Planner

– May 24, 2021

“We are in the presidential executive grip of someone who is determined to make us all the players on a grand stage of life upon which he gets to make up and make right for his own frustration, anger, and embarrassment that he experienced as a youngster over a world that did not give his father a ‘decent break.’ We have a 78-year-old president with some very serious paternalism issues.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


Imagining Year 2020 Without Fauci, Redfield, USIAID, and the CDC

– May 23, 2021

“Scared of their own shadow politicians let experts like Fauci and Redfield terrify them into a command-and-control stance. The rest is tragic history as jobs and businesses vanished in a climate of fear created by politicians and bureaucrats who would never miss a paycheck or a meal.” ~ John Tamny


How Team Biden Ended Covid Mania Overnight

– May 20, 2021

“Team Biden was able to pull the plug on Covid Mania so swiftly because they have the ability to control the federal bureaucracy, in addition to having the support of the power brokers in D.C. and a cheerleading corporate press. Team Biden is a beneficiary of insider privilege, and they used it to end Covid Mania in a moment’s notice.” ~ Jordan Schachtel


Lockdowns in Taiwan: Myths Versus Reality

– May 20, 2021

“Relative to other countries, Taiwan serves as a beacon of freedom: children still attended school, professionals continued to go to work, and businesspeople were able to keep their businesses open. However, the looming possibility of more lockdown restrictions might obstruct Taiwan’s hard-earned progress.” ~ Amelia Janaskie & Micha Gartz