Topic: Authoritarianism

Support for Lockdowns: A ‘Bootleggers and Baptists’ Phenomenon

– June 8, 2021

“This goes a long way toward explaining the behavior of white collar professionals during the pandemic: they have been acting out of a genuine sense of virtue, but they have also done rather well out of doing so, at least in the short term. It’s not one or the other, and high and low motives are not mutually exclusive – it’s both in combination that does the trick.” ~ David McGrogan


Will Biden’s Sham Corruption Crackdown Endanger Freedom?

– June 7, 2021

“Joe Biden has never provided any evidence that he is more trustworthy on corruption than any other career Washington politician. Regardless of the plaudits that Biden receives, new federal crackdowns on cryptocurrency and “pernicious foreign influence” could roil financial markets and undercut freedom of the press.” ~ James Bovard


The Public Interest and the Constitutional Order

– June 6, 2021

“The public interest and other phrases like it have far too much importance in the functions of our government. In theory, the public interest and other vague objectives like it have no discrete meaning. In practice, they simply represent the ambitions and goals of those in power.” ~ Ethan Yang


Remembering the Tiananmen Square Massacre

– June 4, 2021

“We should be inspired by the countless activists across China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the world who risk persecution every day to shine a light on the lies of the CCP. We should not only pray but work to ensure that this fateful day was not a violent snuffing of the flame of Chinese liberty, but rather the spark that would ignite the inferno of freedom that burns in the hearts of over a billion people.” ~ Ethan Yang


Fish, Rice and What the Green Movement Really Stands For

– June 4, 2021

“The idea is always to lock us down both in terms of population and consumption and woe to anyone or anything that allows more consumption with equal or fewer resources. Don’t fall for the safety arguments. The argument is against capitalism and humanity. That’s no fish story.” ~ Michael Fumento


Critical Race Theory Comes for the Legal Academy

– June 4, 2021

“The slow degradation of the American legal academy in this fashion should be especially concerning. That is not only because law students and faculty should already know full well the values of open debate and individual dignity, but because they are quite literally the vanguard of our legal order.” ~ Ethan Yang


Why Is There Such Reluctance to Discuss Natural Immunity?

– June 4, 2021

“Whatever the reason, it’s keeping Americans in the dark about how many people have active immunity from Covid-19. It’s keeping people needlessly fearful and suspicious of each other. It’s empowering executive overreach. Worst of all, it’s tempting people to consider government and business restrictions on the unvaccinated, regardless of their actual immunity.” ~ Jon Sanders


Exit, Voice, and Loyalty, the Godfather, and Dr. Fauci’s Book Tour

– June 4, 2021

“Perhaps the proceeds from Dr. Fauci’s upcoming book, including the large speaking fees he will earn and the undisclosed advance he garnered for writing the book while ‘serving’ the taxpayer, can be used to compensate his underage victims and the other public health collateral damage caused by his maniacal and myopic focus on one infectious disease.” ~ Donald Siegel & Robert M. Sauer


Fun Ways to Annoy China and Support Taiwan

– June 3, 2021

“China is deeply concerned with its global image and is also highly sensitive to having its narrative broken. The best ways to annoy China are ultimately to shine sunlight on its lies and to restore our confidence in ourselves as a civilization that treasures individual liberty rather than kicking ourselves down the road of self-pity and regret.” ~ Ethan Yang


Liberating Yourself from Faucism

– June 3, 2021

“In place of helplessness, we can choose not to participate in lies. ‘Let their rule hold not through me!’ is the key to our liberation. We can be open and eager for public jousting and arguments from diverse points of view. If this is too much to ask, we will lose our remaining freedoms.” ~ Barry Brownstein


On the “Tyranny of Freedom”

– June 2, 2021

“As the world begins to reopen, we should all take careful stock of the freedoms and liberties we have retained and ones we may have lost. Most importantly, however, we should shake off the hooks, lines, and sinkers of the world’s tyrants and enforcement sycophants to begin again with a fresh perspective.” ~ Lucio Saverio Eastman


Governor Cuomo’s Unconstitutional Vaccine Passport Program

– June 2, 2021

“Governor Cuomo is under the mistaken impression that he can control the lives and personal health decisions of millions of New Yorkers and that the best way to do so is coercing them into receiving a vaccine. In the long run, though, these measures are likely to backfire, as they almost certainly will manifest in a breakdown in trust between the public and authorities.” ~ Jenin Younes