Topic: Authoritarianism

Beware of the Progressive Redefinition of Moderates

– October 9, 2021

“Frederic Bastiat wrote his electoral manifesto at a time when politically popular ‘moderates’ enabled expanding government coercion, while ‘extremists’ defended liberty. Unfortunately, little seems different today.” ~ Gary M. Galles


Biden’s $3.5 Trillion “Make Big Government Even Bigger” Plan

– October 8, 2021

“What is needed is a repeal of government regulations and restrictions, ending any and all government control over consumption and production, lowering taxes, the end to budget deficits, and working with a balanced budget.” ~ Richard M. Ebeling


Has America’s Third “Civil War” Begun?

– October 8, 2021

“America’s civil civil war seems to pit ‘sheeple’ against people, the brainwashed against those capable of independent thought, and ‘safety first’ authoritarians against civil libertarians, left, right, and center.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Polling Shows Persuasion Better than Mandates to Boost Vaccination

– October 6, 2021

“If public health officials want to change behavior, they need to start treating unvaccinated Americans with respect. Adopt consistent, transparent, respectful, and persuasive messaging. Give unvaccinated Americans the facts and let them choose for themselves.” ~ Jeffrey A. Singer & Michael F. Cannon


Frontline Doctors Stand Up to Authoritarian Public Health Officials

– October 6, 2021

“It’s no wonder these doctors are in open rebellion against authoritarian public health bodies who seek to implement monolithic mass behavioral control in place of a dynamic multi-pronged approach that includes clinical best practices.” ~ Max Borders


Christianity’s Walking Dead

– October 5, 2021

“The fever of identity politics that now sweeps the nation suggests these surveys are looking in the wrong place and asking the wrong questions. Americans have not lost their religion. Americans have relocated their religion to the realm of politics.” ~ Joshua Mitchell


Sensemaking in the Era of Authoritarian Media

– October 4, 2021

“Authoritarians are counting on our ignorance, which they will use to justify a new kind of truth. Software developers of the world: Please build us a truth tracking system. You might just upgrade humanity’s sensemaking for good.” ~ Max Borders


The Secret Tariff Code Heist

– October 4, 2021

“Unfortunately, as long as politicians can profiteer from restricting imports, protectionism will continue reviving. Most of the media continues to ignore the economic carnage resulting from protectionist decrees that, after all these years, still cannot pass the laugh test.” ~ James Bovard


Reducing Racism and Global Climate Change in One Step

– October 3, 2021

“The world will never be completely free of bigotry, bad weather, and 97 other problems but at least taxpayers can stop paying through the nose to make them worse.” ~ Robert E. Wright


China As Excuse: Special Interests Mulct Americans in the Name of Battling Modern “Yellow Peril”

– October 1, 2021

“The US should not use the specter of China as an excuse to further bloat Uncle Sam’s budget, imitating Beijing’s worst policies in the bargain. America will win the intensifying competition by relying on its historic strengths rather than aping China’s statist strategies.” ~ Doug Bandow


People Have Few Protections Against Law Enforcement Civil Asset Forfeiture Practices

– October 1, 2021

“It doesn’t have to be this way. A few states – Maine, Nebraska, North Carolina, and New Mexico – have abolished civil forfeiture entirely. Perhaps more states will someday pass reforms to protect the property of their citizens.” ~ Dan Greenberg


As China Celebrates a Birthday, Hong Kong Has a Funeral

– October 1, 2021

“The Chinese government seems much more interested in punishing the Hong Kongese for their truculence, rather than including them as full citizens. So every year China celebrates National Day. And every year we mourn the loss of a free Hong Kong.” ~ Robert Anthony Peters