Topic: Art and Culture

Cultural Appropriation: Try Not To

– January 16, 2022

“Art, music, religion, science, language, food, and more all evolve due to the cultural ebbs and flows of human inspiration. Ultimately, the process is not one of theft, but of admiration and respect, and should be treated as such.” ~ Daniel Asia


Fandom and the Great Books

– January 15, 2022

“The canon wars are over, and the canon lost. But the canon’s defeat might not be a bad thing for readers and teachers who care about great books, because it allows us to offer franker, more interesting, and more compelling reasons to read them.” ~ William Gonch


Spielberg’s West Side Story Doubles Down on Tragedy of Prejudice

– January 13, 2022

“The emphasis remains on the tragic consequences of failing to recognize and honor individuals for who they are, the soul-tearing nature of violence to resolve disputes, and the need to promote more honest and sincere dialogue to promote understanding and peace.” ~ Samuel R. Staley


The Very American Meaning of Roman Kaplan, Founder of Russian Samovar

– January 11, 2022

“All we know is that for people of all stripes around the world, there’s an American inside many of them just bursting to flower. Roman Kaplan’s beautiful life is a reminder that we erect barriers to very American people the world over to our detriment.” ~ John Tamny


Critical Race Theory Does Not Dismantle, But Reinforces Social Power Structures

– January 6, 2022

“Just as CRT advocates argue that white supremacist power structures harm white people as well, their maintenance of those power structures will continue to harm people, including those they claim to want to help.” ~ James E. Hanley


Pollster Scott Rasmussen Says Democrats Are Getting Demographics All Wrong

– January 5, 2022

“One of America’s leading national pollsters, Scott Rasmussen, says most Americans have higher priorities than politics. And he says partisan thinking about race, particularly among Democrats, hasn’t kept up with demographic realities.” ~ Marc Ang


An Art That Offers Choices

– January 4, 2022

“The new art form, the one staring its opponents right in the face, is an art form of cohesion, community, tradition, and representation. It is part of a revolution in mores and behaviors that can help lead us out of the nihilism to which we have all fallen victim.” ~ Spencer Klavan


Founding Economics and American Conservatism’s Future

– January 2, 2022

“The significance of the economic fight on the right goes far beyond the world of supply and demand. It provides us with glimpses into very different possibilities for conservative thought and politics in America.” ~ Samuel Gregg


What is Critical Race Theory?

– December 31, 2021

“AIER’s Research Director Phil Magness joins James R. Harrigan, AIER’s Senior Editor, and Antony Davies, Professor of economics at Duquesne University to discuss critical race theory.” ~ AIER


The War on Christmas?

– December 25, 2021

“Asking the state to celebrate the holiday is no less hostile to freedom than is asking the state to prohibit its celebration. Christmas is, after all, a celebration. And the last thing anyone should want is the government showing up at the festivities.” ~ James R. Harrigan & Antony Davies


A Bergeron Christmas

– December 25, 2021

“The story of Harrison Bergeron should remind Americans that individuals can never achieve equity if the state is powerful enough to enforce equality of outcomes. Like the pigs in Animal Farm, the enforcers will always remain ‘more equal’ than the others.” ~ Robert E. Wright


Transferism, Not Socialism, Is the Drug Americans Are Hooked On

– December 24, 2021

“We have polluted our political discourse with two words that no longer have much meaning: socialism and capitalism. In the process, we don’t call the animating principle of modern American politics what it actually is: transferism.” ~ James R. Harrigan & Antony Davies