Articles by Phillip W. Magness
Harwood Economic Reviews featuring Phillip W. Magness
Research Publications by Phillip W. Magness
Title: Gordon Tullock and the Economics of Slavery
Authors: P Magness, A Carden, I Murtazashvili
Publication: Available at SSRN 4318585, 2023
Authors: PW Magness, A Carden, I Murtazashvili
Publication: The Independent Review 26 (4), 533-552, 2022
Authors: PA Coclanis, RE Wright, PW Magness, A Carden, I Murtazashvili, ...
Publication: The Independent Review; Oakland Vol. 26, Iss. 4, (Spring 2022): 0_3,0_4.
Title: Confederate Exodus: Social and Environmental Forces in the Migration of US Southerners to Brazil
Authors: PW Magness
Publication: Journal of American History 109 (3), 676-677, 2022
Title: Darity, Camara, and MacLean on William H. Hutt
Authors: PW Magness, A Carden
Publication: Econ Journal Watch 19 (2), 204-231, 2022
Authors: PW Magness
Publication: The Journal of Value Inquiry 56 (2), 313-318, 2022