Art Carden

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Senior Fellow

Art Carden is a Senior Fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research. He is also an Associate Professor of Economics at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama and a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute.

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Research Publications by Art Carden

Title: Gordon Tullock and the Economics of Slavery

Authors: P Magness, A Carden, I Murtazashvili

Publication: Available at SSRN 4318585, 2023

Title: Darity, Camara, and MacLean on William H. Hutt

Authors: PW Magness, A Carden

Publication: Econ Journal Watch 19 (2), 204-231, 2022

Title: Situating Southern Influences in James M. Buchanan and Modern Public Choice Economics

Authors: A Carden, V Geloso, PW Magness

Publication: Standard of Living: Essays on Economics, History, and Religion in Honor of …, 2022

Title: The danger of deplorable reactions

Authors: PW Magness, A Carden, I Murtazashvili

Publication: WH Hutt on liberalism, populism, and the constitutional political economy of …, 2022