Daily economy news from the American Institute for Economic Research: data, stories, research, and articles touching on economics, politics, culture, education, policy, opinion, technology, markets, healthcare, regulation, trends, and much more.

AIER’s Editorial Policy.

Inflation We Can Feel But Don’t Measure

“Regardless of whether one thinks that the CPI should include interest rates and/or asset prices, it seems clear that consumers factor in these costs when evaluating the cost of living.” ~Joshua R. Hendrickson

Business Schools Undermine Wealth Creation

“Universities promote an obsession with social impact that ignores the vital social impact already accomplished by the realm of private enterprise.” ~Kimberlee Josephson

Another Dismal Tax Day: Can It Drive Fiscal Reform?

“The pain and uncertainty from an ever-changing federal progressive marginal individual income tax system with forced withholding and payment or refund later are destructive.” ~Vance Ginn

‘Shock Values’: An Idiosyncratic Economic History

“While it provides a concise accounting of the many efforts taken to address inflation and deflation over the history of the republic, there is a cost to recounting such a rich history in so few pages.” ~Paul H. Kupiec

Economic Development is not a Zero-Sum Game 

“By equating profit-making, as such, with evidence of greed and immorality, [the Vatican] perpetuates the harmful zero-sum mentality of mercantilism and socialism. ” ~John C. Pinheiro

How the US Treasury Induced a New Era of Swiss Monetary Policy

“Central bankers are told that their domestic monetary policy obligations…must be balanced with or even subjugated to currency management practices that accommodate American exporters and competitors more broadly.” ~Mariana F. Trujillo and Peter C. Earle

The Middleman Is a Public Servant

“Letting people make their own choices is an important part of respecting one another as free equals… We don’t help people by prohibiting the choices they actually make.” ~Art Carden

Look With Two Is

“Look at institutional arrangements as they actually play out, making the comparison by looking through two Is: information and incentives.” ~Michael Munger

Preserve Architectural History with Incentives, Not Bans 

“Removing government from the process by changing dated zoning regulations is the best path forward to solving the housing shortage. A small piece of the puzzle should be historic landmarks and district reform.” ~Jason Sorens and Thomas Savidge

Should We Panic Over Excessively Low Global Temperatures?

“We simply have no way to trace out more than a minuscule fraction of the economic consequences, positive and negative, of government efforts to alter a phenomenon as massive as the earth’s environment.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux

AI Opposition: Economic and Philosophical Sophistry

“Economic growth is by far and away the most far-reaching and compounding good mankind has ever experienced — the very phenomenon responsible for modern infrastructure, schools, and health care.” ~Jack Nicastro and Samuel Crombie

Inflation We Can Feel But Don’t Measure

“Regardless of whether one thinks that the CPI should include interest rates and/or asset prices, it seems clear that consumers factor in these costs when evaluating the cost of living.” ~Joshua R. Hendrickson

Business Schools Undermine Wealth Creation

“Universities promote an obsession with social impact that ignores the vital social impact already accomplished by the realm of private enterprise.” ~Kimberlee Josephson

Another Dismal Tax Day: Can It Drive Fiscal Reform?

“The pain and uncertainty from an ever-changing federal progressive marginal individual income tax system with forced withholding and payment or refund later are destructive.” ~Vance Ginn

‘Shock Values’: An Idiosyncratic Economic History

“While it provides a concise accounting of the many efforts taken to address inflation and deflation over the history of the republic, there is a cost to recounting such a rich history in so few pages.” ~Paul H. Kupiec

Economic Development is not a Zero-Sum Game 

“By equating profit-making, as such, with evidence of greed and immorality, [the Vatican] perpetuates the harmful zero-sum mentality of mercantilism and socialism. ” ~John C. Pinheiro

How the US Treasury Induced a New Era of Swiss Monetary Policy

“Central bankers are told that their domestic monetary policy obligations…must be balanced with or even subjugated to currency management practices that accommodate American exporters and competitors more broadly.” ~Mariana F. Trujillo and Peter C. Earle

The Middleman Is a Public Servant

“Letting people make their own choices is an important part of respecting one another as free equals… We don’t help people by prohibiting the choices they actually make.” ~Art Carden

Look With Two Is

“Look at institutional arrangements as they actually play out, making the comparison by looking through two Is: information and incentives.” ~Michael Munger

Preserve Architectural History with Incentives, Not Bans 

“Removing government from the process by changing dated zoning regulations is the best path forward to solving the housing shortage. A small piece of the puzzle should be historic landmarks and district reform.” ~Jason Sorens and Thomas Savidge

Should We Panic Over Excessively Low Global Temperatures?

“We simply have no way to trace out more than a minuscule fraction of the economic consequences, positive and negative, of government efforts to alter a phenomenon as massive as the earth’s environment.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux

AI Opposition: Economic and Philosophical Sophistry

“Economic growth is by far and away the most far-reaching and compounding good mankind has ever experienced — the very phenomenon responsible for modern infrastructure, schools, and health care.” ~Jack Nicastro and Samuel Crombie