Monetary Economics
Monetary policy influences inflation, employment, and economic activity. A stable but dynamic monetary system is vital for supporting economic growth, individual liberty, and a prosperous society. Therefore, we examine the causes and consequences of monetary policy (including inflation), identify ideal and practical steps towards a better monetary policy regime, and look at monetary alternatives and financial regulation.
Research Publications for Monetary Economics
TL Hogan
OP-1793,'Principles for Climate-Related Financial Risk Management for Large …, 2023
Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, and Public Choice
RM Yonk, D Waugh
Cryptocurrency Concepts, Technology, and Applications, 2023
General Institutional Considerations of Blockchain and Emerging Applications
PC Earle, DM Waugh
The Emerald Handbook on Cryptoassets: Investment Opportunities and …, 2023
Central bank independence and the Federal Reserve’s new operating regime
JL Jordan, WJ Luther
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 84, 510-515, 2022
The Value of Bitcoin in the Year 2141 (and beyond!)
JR Hendrickson, WJ Luther
The Economics of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, 51-68, 2022
TL Hogan
The Review of Austrian Economics, 1-4, 2022
Fast Payments Enable Lightning Kidnappings in Brazil
“The only way that the Banco Central do Brasil could completely end PIX-based lightning kidnapping would be to slow the entire system down. That would mean cutting regular Brazilians off completely from the benefits of real-time payments.” ~ J.P. Koning
Coin Can’t Save US from Debt Crisis
“If Treasury can just slap a figure on a hunk of metal and demand that the Federal Reserve credit its account with that figure, it could force the creation of as much money as the politicians controlling it want.” ~ Robert E. Wright
What Is Money, Anyway?
“Rather than it being evil, it should deserve respect since it lays claim to the production of goods and services that do not yet exist. Even more boldly, when earned non-fraudulently, money represents a debt society owes you.” ~ David Gillette
Trouble Transacting with Bitcoin
“Problems with bitcoin’s design––including its suboptimal supply constraint and limited transactions capacity––cast doubt on the claim that bitcoin is superior to the monies widely used at present.” ~ William J. Luther
How the Fed Can Improve Financial Stability and Reduce Inequality
“There is clear evidence that bank deregulation can improve financial stability while also shrinking inequality. By lowering the costs of doing business, strong but simple regulations improve job opportunities for low-skilled and minority workers.” ~ Thomas L. Hogan & Amelia Janaskie
What’s Wrong With Bitcoin’s Supply Mechanism?
“Bitcoin’s supply mechanism fails to provide a long-run nominal anchor or promote monetary stability. A better money would employ a supply mechanism that offsets changes in the demand to hold it.” ~ William J. Luther