February 23, 2011 Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Rather helpfully, on the Bank’s website there is an explanation of how Quantitative Easing was supposed to improve the economy. Quite clearly, the Bank explains that they purchased British Government bonds (gilts) and high quality (investment grade) bonds from private sector companies (banks, pension funds, insurance companies and non-financial institutions). The Bank’s concern was that there was too little money “circulating” in the economy. Using this method, the Bank was able to inject the much needed money directly into the economy and the companies that needed it. The idea was two-fold; a) asset prices increase, wealth increases and spending increases; b) more money, means more spending, bank reserves increase, meaning more lending, spending and income increases, inflation arrives at the magic 2% rate and we all live happily ever after, growing fat off of the magic wealth creation machine at the Bank. But there is a dark side to this fairy tale and at the risk of sounding clichéd, it is because in this case, more money really does mean more problems.

The problem is that the Bank is operating under the rather naïve assumption that printing money and rising prices mean that they are creating value. If this were true, none of us would need to work. The government could just issue us all with paper, ink and printing presses. Whenever we needed to buy something we could just print off some money and go to the shops and buy what we need. And of course, prices would rise, the shops would make lots of profits and apparent wealth would increase. There is one nagging doubt however. Who would make all the goods that we would buy, if we are all sitting at home printing money? Perhaps we could get the Morlocks to do it. Or maybe specially trained chimps.” Read more

The Crime Known as Quantitative Easing
Robert Sadler
The Cobden Centre, February 23, 2011. 

Image by Simon Howden / FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

Tom Duncan

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