RIP to the 2017 AIER C. Lowell Harriss Fellowship winner, Ion Sterpan (pictured second from right). Ion attended our 2017 week-long seminar and stated, “this is the most remarkable place that I have been.”
Hailing from Romania, Ion recently earned his PhD from George Mason University and had a fellowship at American University. He was a bright young man who was making important contributions to the study of private governance, and he will be missed.
Edward Peter Stringham is the Davis Professor of Economic Organizations and Innovation at Trinity College, and Editor of the Journal of Private Enterprise. Stringham served as the President of the American Institute for Economic Research. He is editor of two books and author of more than 70 journal articles, book chapters, and policy studies. His work has been discussed in 15 of the top 20 newspapers in the United States and on more than 100 broadcast stations including MTV. Stringham is a frequent guest on BBC World, Bloomberg Television, CNBC, and Fox. Rise Global ranks Stringham as one of the top 100 most influential economists in the world.
He earned his B.A. from College of the Holy Cross in 1997, his Ph.D. from George Mason University in 2002. His book, Private Governance: Creating Order in Economic and Social Life, is published by Oxford University Press.